Queen Helene Olive Oil Cholesterol Conditioner?


Well-Known Member
I was in my hometown (Milwaukee, WI) this week for my grandmother's funeral. On Monday, I realized that I did not bring any shampoo or conditioner. So, I ended up using my stepmother's stash of Queen Helene Oilve Oil Cholesterol Conditioner. I must say that it was really nice and at 13 weeks post relaxer it gave great slip and once blowed dried and curled my hair was so light and bouncy.

Does anyone use this conditioner? If so, what are the results when used over time? Where do you purchase it?

Of course when I got back to the ATL today, I went looking for it and couldn't find it.

TIA for your help!
sorry to hear about grandmommy.
But yes I had my eye on that conditioner on Saturday and after the thread gymfreak said about the queen helene after her henna treatment, I may have to scoop this up.
I too am sorry to hear about your grandmom

I lke this product so much
comes in 2nd after Elucence
nomoweavesfome said:
sorry to hear about grandmommy.
But yes I had my eye on that conditioner on Saturday and after the thread gymfreak said about the queen helene after her henna treatment, I may have to scoop this up.

Thank you so much for your condolences! It's been tough, I've lost a grandparent every year since 2003. Maternal grandfather in 03, paternal grandfather in 04, maternal grandmother in 05 and maternal grandmother this year. I guess God wanted them home. Please keep my family in your prayers.
Hair Iam said:
I too am sorry to hear about your grandmom

I lke this product so much
comes in 2nd after Elucence

Thanks for your condolences!!! I love Elucence and mostly use that as my staple. So, I'm definitely going to have to try and find the Queen Helene.
Ebonygurl00 said:
I'm really sorry about your loss.:sad:

I haven't used it, but I do love Elucence. Does Queen Helene have cones?

Thank you for the condolences.

I didn't look at the ingredients, I guess I should have done that. I can say that my hair didn't and still doesn't feel coated. One concern is that if used over time, depending on the ingredients will my hair begin to dry out? This is what happened to me with Keracare. And, I use to love me some Keracare.

I wish Elucence made a really good cholesterol deep conditioner.