Question about a word...


Well-Known Member
Without using a dictionary (not that you lovely ladies would need to) please answer the following question...
If a preacher / minister told you "I'm just a hireling" how would you take that?
I would take that as him saying that he is a wolf or soon to be. He does not really care about the spiritual well being of God's people. He has his own agenda, an agenda that benefits him. I would get away from that person as fast as I could. I would also tell him to sit down somewhere because he will stand before the judgement seat and give account for taking advantage of the church.

He is also the type of pastor that will allow heretical teaching and other wolves to come in and take advantage of the people. He will probably twist the scripture, take them out of context to manipulate and coerce people for his benefit.

I'm so confused.

I don't get it either.

OP, can you provide more context? Or why you wouldn't want us to look up the word in the dictionary?

I can't tell if we're assessing the pastor's comment/ intent or if this is a quiz to see if we know what the word means. Or both. Lol.
No prob... Sorry for the confusion... It's because I wanted different point of views without assuming everyone would think one thing. As for not using a dictionary... I also wanted to see how others would take the phrase as soon as someone said it without a dictionary at hand.

I don't get it either.

OP, can you provide more context? Or why you wouldn't want us to look up the word in the dictionary?

I can't tell if we're assessing the pastor's comment/ intent or if this is a quiz to see if we know what the word means. Or both. Lol.
No prob... Sorry for the confusion... It's because I wanted different point of views without assuming everyone would think one thing. As for not using a dictionary... I also wanted to see how others would take the phrase as soon as someone said it without a dictionary at hand.

I gotcha. I done thought too much about it and checked what the first poster said against the dictionary, so I don't qualify to answer. Lol.

Did someone say that to you, or someone? That was bold of the preacher if he indeed knew what it meant.
Is he referring to himself as a hireling? From the little that I know of this word, it is not very good ...

Without using a dictionary (not that you lovely ladies would need to) please answer the following question...
If a preacher / minister told you "I'm just a hireling" how would you take that?
If it were my Pastor is referring to himself as a hireling I'd be looking for another church to attend...

What it means is that he does not do anything unless he's is paid for his services...