Questions about brushes & stuff


Well-Known Member
I really want to explore this no manipulation side of things. I'll admit, I comb my hair several times during the day (I'm not very gentle with it either). I probably shed A LOT more then I should because of it. I brush with regular hair brushes as well (never really thought twice about it until I tried to figure out why I shed so darn much)

So I have a couple questions...

for those who have a no manipulation/no combing regimen - how do you do it? I read where a lot of people finger comb/manipulate, but sometimes I feel that with my length (just hitting the base of my neck/right above shoulder length) that I have no other option but to comb. I wear protective styles with buns & falls - but...I dunno. Any advise?

also, when I was younger my mother used to comb my hair with a regular brush - but she'd put a stocking over it and dip it in water (lol). I never understood why she did it - but I wonder now if it's at all healthier (as healthy as a regular brush could be) alternative until I get my denman brushes ?


New Member
When I detangle, usually with a denman brush. I do have a really super wide comb that helps if my hair tangles a lot.

These days I don't wash/rinse my hair in the sink much, which has cut down on the detangling time. When I wash in the shower I make sure my hair is going toward the back so I can bun it without having to do any serious detangling. That alone has cut down on how much shedding I do.

These days I only wash in the sink when I do relaxers and thats the day I lose the most hair.

I also found that I can go a good 3/4 days without putting a comb/brush in my hair at all just by ensuring that I wash/rinse my hair in the same direction I intend to wear it. It took me a while to get to this point and I started trying out low manipulation when my hair was about neck length.

I think once you back off of combing and brushing several times a day you should see a reduction of hair shedding. I think you can realistically just style in the morning using a comb/brush and if your hair gets messy, gently comb it back into place with your fingers.

After you have that mastered, go to the next level. I personally coudln't get there without taking a few baby steps in between. I'm still not at the no manipulation stage, don't know if I will actually get there either.

But keeping manipulation low as my hair grows does seem to help me retain more of it.



Well-Known Member
Arcadian - Thank you for your response. I'm ashamed to admit that I never thought about how washing my hair in the sink (which I do 99% of the time) contributes to all of this! Sometimes I just don't feel like washing my hair in the shower because my washday routine is usually so long...I'd probably have to hop in and out of the shower 3 times before I'm all done!

I absolutely love your avatar by the way. You are beautiful!


New Member
SummerRain said:
Arcadian - Thank you for your response. I'm ashamed to admit that I never thought about how washing my hair in the sink (which I do 99% of the time) contributes to all of this! Sometimes I just don't feel like washing my hair in the shower because my washday routine is usually so long...I'd probably have to hop in and out of the shower 3 times before I'm all done!

I absolutely love your avatar by the way. You are beautiful!

:blush: :blush: :kiss: Thank you! Even though I'm in my very messy office. my SO said since my hair was down and the rollerset was bangin he wanted a picture cause even though we live together he never gets to see it. So he got one with my rather crappy webcam :lol:

Washday for me used to be pretty terrible because like you I'd have to be in the shower 3 times. Its now down to twice because I combined a steps to make life easier.

There's really no easy way around it unfortunately and we even have a hand held nozzle! When I rinse after the gym I want to jump in the shower anyway so at least that works out. But have to say washday isn't my favorite. STill, I figure I get extra clean that
