Relaxed ladies-Shedding Holiday??


New Member
I was just wondering if I'm the only one that experiences this phenomenon. After I touch-up, for about 3-5 days my hair won't shed at all!:grin::grin:

Like about 4 hairs in all those days! It's always soo wonderful, and I always think that my hair is done shedding for! Then sometime after day 5 or so it just begins shedding again at it's normal rate. Do others also experience this "Shedding Holiday" as I call it post- relaxer?? What is the cause??
To be honest that sounds kinda scarey since shedding is normal. The absence of it would mean something abnormal is happening?

Never heard of this before but hopefully others will have some info for you.
I don't get that, but I have something strange going on too. I don't shed the 50-100 strands per day. I only get a few.
I haven't noticed that per se but I have noticed that my hair sheds at an abnormally high rate when I need to retouch. I mean, hair is everywhere during that time! I also get more breakage then too...
I think this is what the OP means, she can correct me if I am wrong.
I don't get that, but I have something strange going on too. I don't shed the 50-100 strands per day. I only get a few.

Yes I shed way less also, thanks to tea rinsing my shedding is down and I am about 3 months post, well 13 wks to be exact.
same here. It varies, but I shed anywhere from 6-12 strands per day :ohwell: (42-84 strands/week) pre-shampoo. I notice more when I wash and condition 1X/week, but its still not a substantial amount, maybe 100-150 strands then. This is still less than the average per day and per week. My hair is thickening up quite a bit, so maybe those strands not being shed has something to do with it, I hope :look:.

I don't get that, but I have something strange going on too. I don't shed the 50-100 strands per day. I only get a few.
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Yeah I have post holiday shedding... However sometime I only shed 10 hairs or less on some days, then more on others. I just think I don't detangle well. When I go to the hair dresser, she gets all the shed hair out, but its still not bad. After I leave, im good for a week. So I blame it on my not shedding good. But yeah I know what OP is talking about.
I experience it. I got a touch up on Saturday and have shed MAYBE 5 hairs since then. I think it has to do with your hair being all the same texture. There is no resistence between newgrowth and straightened hair. The comb glides through nothing sheds. I LOVE IT!
My hair doesn't shed or break for about 7 days after I relax. Even when I wash. I just figured that my poor hair practices are what cause it to start breaking again after that.