Relaxer gone Bad- Please HELP


New Member

HELPPPPP!!!!! I let a new stylist put a relaxer on my hair after my 3 month stretch and she burned my scalp something fierce. Just in the kitchen area and this morning my hair is glued together from the oozing from my scalp and it is red and irratated.

Do you ladies have some kind of magic potion I can put on my scalp? The lower region of my scalp is on FIRE and I feel so bad for my poor head. I thought maybe Tea Tree Oil has soothing quality or maybe some type of mint...something I'm at a lost. Also I don't want to comb through my kitchen for fear of breaking the hair off at the root because it is matted.

Suggestions or similar experiences welcomed
I'm so sorry to hear about your hair!!! There's really not much that can be done for overprocessed hair, except lots of TLC. Tea tree oil might aggravate your scalp right now. Try plain ol EVOO, and extra moisture. I don't know of any magic potions to help you. :(
Gosh, I'm so sorry that happened. I've been through a similar experience with a stylist (hairline was oozing and you could see the white meat of my scalp) which is a major reason why I am self-relaxing now.

If you can, get some shea butter (100% unrefined) then apply that to the area along with the tea tree oil. You may need to dilute the tea tree oil with water if it is too strong.

Hope this helps.

ETA: Check your local health food store as well to see if they have a tea tree CREAM. I used that type of product after my incident and it stop the oozing and it made it heal very quickly without a lot of scabbing.
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This happened to me recently just in one spot though, I broke open a vit. e capsule everyday and rubbed it on that spot. Then I waited 8 days to wash and when I did the scab came out smoothly like it was never there. :)
also, try some aloe vera gel on the area-- it will help soothe the irritation.:)

and girl, don't ever let a stylist you've never been to do a chemical . . .or relaxer-type treatment on you! NEVER! You took a huge gamble! Who knows, you could have been her first out of beauty school relaxer!:eek: Start off with something small like a rollerset or something- just to get a feel for them first. Not everyone who boasts licensure in hair is a master with chemicals...and appartenly this person was not either.:ohwell: Be careful who you trust to do chemical work on your head! One wrong move and . . .:perplexed
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No honey, u don't want to do any tea tree or any minty treatment, because it will further irritate it and you'll feel the burn more. I've had this happen a few times years ago when i dindt know any better. what i used to do is just put my hair in a ponytail for maybe a week and let the scap harden. (let the scab/sore heal before you try to remove the scab.) Wash it after a week and be sure to do a deep deep protein followed by a deep deep moisturizer. i'd recommend emergencee because aphogee WILL tingle when applied to an open wound. And honey this is a lesson time you are in that chair getting your hair done YOU TELL her when you've had enough...dont let them tell u to wait...screw them...u get up and demand to be rinsed. Last week when i got my relaxer I knew i'd be irritated because i was scratching my kitchen. So i told my stylist and he based my scalp and then he sprayed sheen spray on the parts and this really stopped me from burning..i didn't burn not one bit and usually I burn very fast. so next time u may want to demand your stylist does that. good luck!
Wow, I'm really sorry this happened to you! It's pretty awful! :whip:

I'd recommend like someone else Shea Butter or even better, Emu oil for it's healing properties if you have some you can get quickly.

Wishing your scalp a speedy recovery! :rosebud:
Thanks for all your help! Great suggestions cause I want to wash my hair because it feels like it is on fire but I will wait. The aloe vera and vit. E capsule sound promising
Ouch! that sounds painful and Im sorry to hear about it:( .
I would say concentrate on treating your oozing skin/scalp first before working on your hair. We dont want any infections that could lead to permanent baldness now do we:look: ?
Aloe vera as already suggested is great for minor burns and abrasions. Vitamin E capsules sound like a good idea but I have never used those before.
Neosporin will help. 100% aloe gel will help as well. Tea tree oil does have antiseptic properties but I think you should mix that with your shampoo the next time you wash. Oh, and hold off on the wash for at least a week. Trust me when I say the water hitting your scalp will hurt.

The same thing happend to a friend of mine and she was in tears when she came to my house asking for my help. I applied the Neosporin to her scalp with a q-tip in the areas that were oozing and bleeding. I applied 100% aloe vera gelly to her scalp in the areas that weren't so bad. She did not lose her hair but it did take a while for her scalp to heal.

I would not recommend that you comb for a couple days so try to wear styles the require little to no manipulation. I would however go right back to the stlyist you applied the relaxer to show the damage you got as a result of this.

PM if you have questions. HTH
simplycee said:
areas that were oozing and bleeding. She did not lose her hair but it did take a while for her scalp to heal.

lawd hammercy (lol @ hammercy:lol: ) Luckily I haven't had these problems since I started self-relaxing- which is why will continue to handle them myself. But that post up there . . .thats almost enough to make me transition right now. Starting to make me wonder why I even bother with this stuff anymore.:cry3: oozing and bleeding...sheesh:confused: Dang.
Try the Original A and D Ointment...Not the one with Zinc Oxide in it, but the original clear one. It will heal your scalp and reduce the redness and burning. Don't go to that hairdresser again!
A+D ointment..I just burn the crap out of my self(first time in years) and this is recommended for irritated burned skin...emu oil may be good to...DONT USE TEA TREE OIL...even diluted it is not good for your chemical burn..hth..
VWVixxen said:
Wow, I'm really sorry this happened to you! It's pretty awful! :whip:

I'd recommend like someone else Shea Butter or even better, Emu oil for it's healing properties if you have some you can get quickly.

Wishing your scalp a speedy recovery! :rosebud:

Co-signing. I use emu oil on everything.