Relaxing Hair Tip--


Well-Known Member

So now on to relaxing your hair. Cream relaxer is my first choice. Why? It’s predictable.

Two Days Before Relaxing Curly Hair:
# Do not shampoo hair.
# Refrain from vigorous scratching or brushing.
# Avoid swimming or excessive exercise.

Tools for Relaxing Curly Hair:
# Scalp protectant base cream
# Cream relaxer kit (mild)
# Latex gloves for protection
# Protein liquid for right after relaxing (I use Duo-Tex protein liquid)
# Wide tooth comb
# Application brush
# Neutralizing shampoo
# Deep moisturizing conditioner
# Setting lotion for styling.

Steps to Relaxing Curly Hair:
1) First apply scalp protectant base completely along hairline, forehead, ears, back or neck. Then make small partings and apply base to the scalp all throughout the head. Be very gentle while applying the base and avoid scratching the scalp after it has been applied.

2) Put your gloves on. Put cream relaxer in a plastic bowl. Locate the area of hair with the tightest curl. That is your starting point.

3) Section out the area by softly parting the hair with your wide tooth comb. Apply the relaxer to the section of hair with brush or fingertips, approximately one and a half inches away from the scalp, down the length of the hair shaft leaving about three inches of the ends for last. Then separate that section into smaller sections, applying the cream to each new portion.

4) Continue in the same fashion, working your way from the center on down before you make your way to the front. It’s crucial that you move as quickly as possible, the complete application should not exceed 8-10 minutes.

5) Now that you have applied relaxer to the greater portion of the length of hair, go back to your first section (the tightest) and apply quickly to the roots, using your hands (with gloves on). Continue applying to the roots over your entire head.

6) After relaxer is applied to the roots (starting once again from the first section), start pulling it through to the ends of the curls. Continue throughout the entire head. You will notice the hair relaxing. Be careful not to relax the ends too straight. You will be able to see and feel the hair relaxing.

7) Leave the relaxer on for no more than 10 minutes total, from start of application until rinsing.

8) Rinse thoroughly. Rinse for at least five minutes with warm water starting with the first section. Make sure your eyes are closed while rinsing.

9) Here’s where the protein comes in. After rinsing thoroughly, squeeze excess water from the relaxed curls. Saturate the relaxed curls with protein. Squeeze the ends up to the scalp. Make sure the hair is completely saturated with protein, this is very important in keeping the integrity of the hair. Continue squeezing the hair up to the scalp. Notice the formation of the relaxed curls. Protein should remain on the hair for approximately 10 minutes as it reforms your newly relaxed curls.

10) Rinse the protein from the hair. Shampoo twice with neutralizing shampoo and then follow with conditioner. Rinse and then towel dry.

Now you have options.