Repeat Offenders: Breaking the Sin Cycle Dr. Creflo A. Dollar


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Thursday, October 23, 2008

Repeat Offenders: Breaking the Sin Cycle
Dr. Creflo A. Dollar
While it is true that every human being is born into sin because of Adam's treason in the Garden of Eden, once a person becomes born again, sin doesn't have to rule his or her life. Christians have a choice to either obey the Word of God or yield to the temptations of the enemy. By accepting Jesus as Lord and personal Savior, we are translated out of the kingdom of darkness and into God's kingdom. To remain in bondage to sin would be like sitting in a jail cell with an opened door. When we realize that sin is a choice and use the Word as a weapon against the enemy, we can break the sin cycle forever.
There will be many temptations in life. You may feel vulnerable at times, but one of the greatest benefits of salvation is the fact that through Christ, you are saved from sin and its eternal effects. Sin is a curse, a hindrance to God's blessings and the very obstacle that adds to and often causes the difficulties of life. Rather than subscribing to the belief that you "just can't help it," accept that you can! Whether or not you sin is based on the daily, conscious decisions that you make to obey or disobey God and His Word.
While it is possible to live a virtually sin-free life by focusing on the Word and practicing the presence of God, there will be times when you miss the mark. The temptation to sin does not magically disappear when you accept Jesus. Believers of all spiritual levels still have to deal with the temptations and suggestions of the devil and make a choice. You have authority over Satan, and when you are born again, you have a responsibility to uphold the Word of God. In doing so, you prove the Word and the promises of God to be true and you can defeat the enemy when he comes to tempt you.
Strive at all times to live in a way that is pleasing to God. He holds you accountable for your actions. Jesus said, "If I had not come and spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin [would be blameless]; but now they have no excuse for their sin" (John 15:22, The Amplified Bible). Once you know the truth, sin becomes a matter of personal choice. You demonstrate your faith and respect for God by exercising your willingness to choose His way of doing things over your own.
God is a loving Father and He has made provision to forgive you of every sin or mistake. First John 1:9 says that if you confess your sin, He is faithful and just to forgive and cleanse you of all unrighteousness. If you are born again, you can be forgiven as often as you ask. Yes, at times you will make decisions that fall short of the standards God has set in His Word but don't beat yourself up about it. Instead, exercise your right to be free from sin through repentance and forgiveness, and immediately begin renewing your mind so that you can make the right choices. Remember, no one just "falls" into sin without first thinking about it.
Being honest and admitting your shortcomings are the first steps on the road to freedom from the sin that binds you. God can't do anything for you if you are in denial about behavior that opposes His Word. If you gossip, lie or are involved in other forms of sin, admit that you have a problem and ask God to help you. Get in the Word of God and renew your mind in the area in which you have challenges. Confess your sin and move on. "For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved" (Romans 10:10, The New International Version).
The Word is your divine resource to combat sin. It is the source of answers to all of life's problems; there is nothing that you face that the Word does not cover. Life is a test. The enemy will use sin to try and distract you from God's plan, but you can break the sin cycle today. When you know who you are in Christ Jesus, and use the Word as your weapon against him, you will be spiritually prepared for any attack.