Salicylic Acid Shampoo Hmmm....


Well-Known Member
I've had issues with scalp build and itching for as long as I can remember. About 3 days post wash my scalp develops a thick buildup (sebum) and it tends to get itchy and the coating and itching subsequently worsens till I shampoo again. By day 5 or so my roots look pasted down with oil. I also notice that shampoo does not remove the scalp buildup very well. I tried a brown sugar scrub but even that did not remove all of the buildup and I don't care for the idea of grains rubbing against my hair.
I've tried dandruff shampoos that contain zinc pyrithione such as Head & Shoulders but they don't work. I don't have dandruff, I just seem to have excess sebum.

I'd been avoiding salicylic acid shampoos because I was afraid they would damage the hair but I see no evidence that it would be harmful.
I started using Neutrogena T-sal ( 3% salicylic) which is for scalp buildup and dandruff and already there has been an improvement. But there's an added bonus.
This stuff is SO gentle!! It cleans but my hair feel soooo soft when I rinse that it doesn't even feel like I need a conditioner!
I also notice a lot less frizz as my hair dries! I thought it might have been a fluke but it happened the second time I used it. My hair just seems unusually manageable.
I don't understand how salicylic acid body washes can be so drying yet this stuff is soooo good to my hair!

I just wanted to recommend this if you're have an itchy or oily scalp.
I've been considering this type of shampoo because I read it's good for removing DHT build-up. My guess is that the acid is helping your hair cuticles to lay down, hence the added manageability. I forgot about the T-sal shampoo, it's been around for ages, but I never tried it. Thanks for posting.
I really like the T-Sal too I use it in rotation with keconazole and sebulex. Sebulex is really good too it has salicylic acid and sulfur, and I have been using it for about 3 months because I have psorasis and I learned quick that sulfate free shampoos jus don't do the trick for helping ease that itch and irritation.
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Just wanted to update this thread... it is still working for me. I still have pretty major itching but very noticeably less build up. I feel that with continued use it will improve further. I also love how it makes my hair itself feel.
I think this will really come in handy when it's warmer and I sweat a lot which also leads to a lot of itching and buildup.
Arlana, I had a similar experience with Neutrogena T-sal recently. I was also suprised at how smooth/soft it left my hair. Another one to try is Pure & Basic Anti-dandruff shampoo. Along with salicylic acid, it's SLS free and has t-tree and rosemary oils.
I really like the T-Sal too I use it in rotation with keconazole and sebulex. Sebulex is really good too it has salicylic acid and sulfur, and I have been using it for about 3 months because I have psorasis and I learned quick that sulfate free shampoos jus don't do the trick for helping ease that itch and irritation.

An_gell, I've read that these ingredients, especially keconazole, stimulate growth/re-growth. Have you noticed additional growth while using these shampoos?
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cynd said:
Arlana, I had a similar experience with Neutrogena T-sal recently. I was also suprised at how smooth/soft it left my hair. Another one to try is Pure & Basic Anti-dandruff shampoo. Along with salicylic acid, it's SLS free and has t-tree and rosemary oils.

yay! cynd glad someone else had this experience. thanks for the rec... where is pure and basic available?

... said the Phablet
yay! @cynd glad someone else had this experience. thanks for the rec... where is pure and basic available?

... said the Phablet

Sor far I've only found it at @Arlana. Before your post I thought it was a fluke or the result of something that I may have used afterwards (leave-in, etc.). Now I know it's a keeper.:yep:
Thanks for this. I'm thinking about picking up one of the shampoos and then washing only my scalp with it. Luckily, my hair is now long enough where I can hold it up by the ends so I look like a troll doll and then scrub the scalp with my other hand. I'm finicky about the drying effect on shampoos, but as someone said, the sulfate free is not doing anything for my icky itching scalp!
Aspirin is not exactly like salicylic acid it is actually acetylsalicylic acid, but you can use apsirin to make salicylic acid by adding apple cider vinegar to it, in order to shift the reaction the opposite side....(just a little chemistry for you guys :grin:)

Thanks, perhaps I should have said that it would work like or makes a good substitute. (I have made milk/aspirin baths and facials to my clients in the past.)

Kudo's on the ACV addition, I'll have to try this.
Enyo said:
Thanks for this. I'm thinking about picking up one of the shampoos and then washing only my scalp with it. Luckily, my hair is now long enough where I can hold it up by the ends so I look like a troll doll and then scrub the scalp with my other hand. I'm finicky about the drying effect on shampoos, but as someone said, the sulfate free is not doing anything for my icky itching scalp!

Enyo for some reason the t sal is super gentle and almost detangling to my hair...

... said the Phablet
Are you relaxed or natural?

Currently relaxed with lye and when I went back to relaxer last summer I had a difficult time finding a shampoo that didn't severely dry out my hair, seemed like they tangled and hardened my hair.
This one loves my hair.
I'm realizing I may have to shampoo my scalp at least weekly due to itchiness and excessive scalp oil, dead skin and possibly excessive DHT. Giovanni makes a dandruff shampoo that has 2% Salicylic Acid - I may try that.

I picked up some T-Sal at the grocery store while doing my weekly shopping. I really hope it helps because my scalp is really disgusting. I can't believe I thought it was normal. :( Thank you ladies for this thread!
Update on the T-Sal. I really love it. My scalp feels so clean! I have to drench my hair in shea butter as a pre-poo because it's drying, but it has certainly helped!
I've been using the Giovanni dandruff shampoo that has 2% in it. My scalp loves it. I try to concentrate the shampoo on my scalp as much as possible and pre-poo with oils. I actually experience less shedding since I've been using it.
An_gell, I've read that these ingredients, especially keconazole, stimulate growth/re-growth. Have you noticed additional growth while using these shampoos?

cynd, I'm sorry I am jus now seein your post. Yes I have noticed growth, but I can't say for sure if its jus from that because my doc also gave me some supa strong creams to use in conjunction with the shampoo. Plus vitamins and other growth aids its hard to tell.
I've been using the Giovanni dandruff shampoo that has 2% in it. My scalp loves it. I try to concentrate the shampoo on my scalp as much as possible and pre-poo with oils. I actually experience less shedding since I've been using it.

Yes, I do this as well. I soak my hair in butters and oils, and then scrub just my scalp.
Enyo said:
Update on the T-Sal. I really love it. My scalp feels so clean! I have to drench my hair in shea butter as a pre-poo because it's drying, but it has certainly helped!

yay!! glad it helped... it will dry the scalp out but it works...

... said the Phablet