Seventy-seven times! (Forgiveness)


Well-Known Member
(Sharing another email. This is a really good read regarding forgiveness. I know many of us are struggling in this area. )

Seventy-seven times!

'" many times shall I forgive...?" ' Matthew 18:21

Lamech was a descendent of Cain, one of Adam's sons. Now when Cain killed his brother Abel, God put a mark on him, saying that if anyone killed Cain they'd pay for it seven times over. One day somebody hurt Lamech, so he gave in to resentment, killed the offender, and said, '..."I have killed a man for wounding me...If Cain is avenged seven times, then Lamech seventy-seven times"' (Genesis 4:23-24 NIV). In Lamech's mind he was absolutely justified. The guy who did him wrong, had it coming. The philosophy of Lamech was: if you hurt me, I'll hurt you. And not just once, but seventy-seven times over.

The spirit of revenge is never satisfied. Simply stated: 'It doesn't work!' Like Lamech, Peter had been hurt by someone close to him, and it happened more than once. So he went to Jesus and asked, 'How many times do I have to forgive this man? Seven times?' Peter thought he was being extremely generous and expected Jesus to pat him on the back, so he probably wasn't too pleased when Jesus deflated his ego by saying he must forgive the offender, 'not seven times, but seventy-seven times.'

Where did Jesus get that number? From the Old Testament. Jesus knew the Scriptures well, so He chose it deliberately. He was doing away with the philosophy of Lamech! 'Peter, you can follow in the footsteps of Lamech and retaliate, or you can follow Me and keep extending forgiveness; but you can't do both!'

In Jesus Name, Amen.
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New Member
this is beautiful


New Member
i always thought it was 70 x 7 (which would = 490) not 77 times (i see it in the notes that it means 77 times but still LOL). Either way, essentially Jesus is saying every time your brother trespasses against you and repents (asks you to forgive him) then you must forgive. IMO, even if it is the 78th time, forgive your brother if he asks (even if he does not repent/ask forgive him anyway for your sake and sanity).