Shock Horror !

M_BYRON_M said:
I was a bit skeptical at first but i thought that unlike other website that i had visited the results were confined to scientific knowledge and not other peoples experinces or views.

On the about us page they give a good account of themselves and they ahve been in various papers etc. so I tend to agree with the list which they have made.

I have always been curious about those words on the product which you cant pronounce and i knew that chemicals with names like that cant be all good to either your body or your hair.

Im really surpirsed that " the government does not require health studies or pre-market testing for cosmetics and other personal care products before they are sold."

I was really shocked by some of the product scores especialy NTM which i had just placed a order for .The websit has certainly made me think about my chioices in hair care products for the future .

[/ QUOTE ]

No, you're just thinking like a lawyer...
My Biolage Leave in is there. But I'm not going to stop using it. I don't use it daily but I use it enough that I don't want to replace it.
They should do one of these on Black Hair care products (You know those that are marketed specifically designed for black people.) I am worried about what I may learn if there was one of those list made.
M_BYRON_M said:
ThursdayGirl said:
I am with Tracy and Lindy... I was reading their list of "dangerous agents" and they listed Vitamin E...and one of its derivatives...sure its dangerous if you're taking a ton of it...but in most of these products unless you're allergic to it... its not going to cause a problem. It also listed Papain...which if I remember correctly is found in Pineapple.

probably b/c that form of Vit. E is synthetic. I believe I read that tocopheryl is the name of Vit. E, but if it has the "acetate" in behind it, then it is synthetic or impure.

[/ QUOTE ]

Absolutely correct...but it is listed again... as tocopheryl... not the synthetic derivative. :-/ I agree with Boadicea, these people need to me more specific abut the dosages.
dang. seems like they don't like natural products very much. i was looking up mouthwash too. lol listerine was on the bad list. man that stuff will burn your gums off. 30 seconds? it ain't happening. I think that i'll skip with scope.
well, there goes my

~aussie 2 min miracle
~neutrogena t-gel
~gillette shave gel

oh well..they are all products i dont use to often anyway. thanks for the list!
What is it that this site is actually saying that these products do to you? I'm not understanding. Ok you use them and what? It harms you in what way?
There are various things...

Some are allergens. Some are carcinogenic. Some are not studied enough for the researcher to gthink they're safe to use....
Gosh, that's horrifying, and to think I just ordered two samples of Aussie, I don't use the rest though.

What's the worst is that I use various aveeno skin care products for our eczema (my daughter and I)

That totally sucks.

Thanx for the heads up though.
Wow:eek:!! I use to use Nizoral all the time for dandruff prescribed by my doctor. It worked for awhile but then it began to dry my hair and dandruff got worst. My scalp has been extremely clean thanks to joining this board and MTG!!:)