Short hair- No big anymore


Well-Known Member
When I was younger, and abusing my hair (relaxing, dyeing, killing with heat- no protectant, no DCing, seamed combs improper moisturizing, etc etc) I hated the fact that it was short (SL) to me (before anybody catches a case...) .

Get this, despite the multiracial nature of my ancestry, I thought I wasn't "mixed enough" to have long hair.:look:
...(imagine how happy I was to find black women CAN have long hair:grin:)

Therefore, having shorter hair than other "mixed ancestry people" was a little irk to me sometimes. I felt like it couldn't get any longer (always needed to be trimmed off because the ends were crispy).

But now, since joining the forum I chopped a lot of it off, I used to be so afraid to do that because I thought it would take forever to grow back, and I wanted beyond SL hair for some time. Now short hair is not a big, because I can grow it out.

I think this is one of the reasons so many women on here can just cut it off now (hair cut, big chop, or bald chop).

Anyone feel the same?


Well-Known Member
NAw I don't feel that way lol I know I can chop my hair off and it'll grow back....but I'm too impatient to let it grow back....maybe thats because I don't desire short hair at all. I just hate how I look with short hair so knowing that'll it'll grow back soon still won't push me to cut. Which is why I won't be BCing!


New Member
I was against cutting my hair when I was in middle/high school because my long hair was what set me apart from the other girls (sounds bad I know). I don't mind cutting my hair now AT ALL. During my transition I cut it to a SL long bob and everyone loved it! I love my hair the length it is now in my siggy and I'm not sure if I will like it as much as when it grows out. I hope I do.


Well-Known Member
It's not a mixed ancestry thing for me. It's more of an.....i know how my hair works and I know it grows no matter what thing..... so I could shave my head (for the right amount of money lol) and be happy knowing that in 3 years I'd be WL.


Well-Known Member
It's not a mixed ancestry thing for me. It's more of an.....i know how my hair works and I know it grows no matter what thing..... so I could shave my head (for the right amount of money lol) and be happy knowing that in 3 years I'd be WL.

Nor is it a mixed thing for me. Just to clarify, when I had these thoughts I was about 17 and under, things have changed, and obviously being "mixed" isn't an automatic key to long hair the way I used to think it was.

About growing to waist in 3 years, be glad you got that growth rate! It probably would take longer for me (even when retaining everything I grow).


Well-Known Member
Nor is it a mixed thing for me. Just to clarify, when I had these thoughts I was about 17 and under, things have changed, and obviously being "mixed" isn't an automatic key to long hair the way I used to think it was.

About growing to waist in 3 years, be glad you got that growth rate! It probably would take longer for me (even when retaining everything I grow).

I see. I musta read it wrong.

Oh I'm absolutely grateful for every nanometer of growth and ever nanometer retained. :yep:


New Member
I BC without concern if I feel it is necessary. This is ABSOLUTELY due to the fact I know I can grow it back out without a hitch.


Well-Known Member
I feel this way...short hair is no "biggie". Back in the day people would call people bald headed if they had chewed up ear length or shorter hair, and there were many girls like that. Thats probably why people have complexes (you never wanted to be that raggedy person) I never really had issues with my hair and wanting it to be longer, or anything else... i was happy with my hair, and still am today. I think even if i had a 1/4 of hair as long as it was healthy im happy.