Sometimes I have to stop and say "Thank You"


Well-Known Member
Some days I wake up thinking I can't handle the day. I feel like a single parent with four children. Yesterday, I just started screaming at the top of my lungs because some days I just don't think I can handle it. I know its the enemy trying to convince me that Im crazy. I know Im not crazy, and I bind the devil and his lies. I have a lot on my shoulders right now with things Im trying to do. I feel like a bad person for wanting to leave this unhappy marriage. I feel like Im tearing my kids away from their father by leaving him. I have prayed about this and I feel it's the right thing to do. I just don't think that this is the husband that God meant for me to have. Im being mean and I don't talk to my close friends and most of them think Im avoiding them but really Im not. Im just frustrated with my home situation. Im unhappy EVERY day. When he comes home, Im sick to my stomach. We don't even sleep in the same bed. Im worn out and frustrated. Yes, it will be hard on my financially to leave right now but Id rather be broke and happy than comfortable and miserable. My mom sent me the link to one of my favorite songs and it really ministered to me this morning. I still have to thank God for EVERYTHING he has done for me, for every situation, for every setback, for bringing me out of this funk Im in.

Thanks for listening
Wow!! Meka which is my name as well.LOL!!!

This is very deep and I pray that GOD brings you peace and happiness within for your situation. Marriage can be hard at times where you just feel like you cant take it ne more and your strength as walked out the door.. But with GOD all things are possible.

I just want to encourage you to do what best for Meka and your Kids.. U cant make any one happy unless you are happy with self.. Sometime we have to take baby steps when we want things to happen right then and there and GOD saying Patience child...

Pray on it and sometimes we need to be careful what we ask for..LOL!! U know our GOD is a powerful GOD and he gives us just what we ask for to see how well we handle things.. I pray for you and your marriage to be Healthy and for you to just to Love yourself for what you are worth..
Some days I wake up thinking I can't handle the day. I feel like a single parent with four children. Yesterday, I just started screaming at the top of my lungs because some days I just don't think I can handle it. I know its the enemy trying to convince me that Im crazy. I know Im not crazy, and I bind the devil and his lies. I have a lot on my shoulders right now with things Im trying to do. I feel like a bad person for wanting to leave this unhappy marriage. I feel like Im tearing my kids away from their father by leaving him. I have prayed about this and I feel it's the right thing to do. I just don't think that this is the husband that God meant for me to have. Im being mean and I don't talk to my close friends and most of them think Im avoiding them but really Im not. Im just frustrated with my home situation. Im unhappy EVERY day. When he comes home, Im sick to my stomach. We don't even sleep in the same bed. Im worn out and frustrated. Yes, it will be hard on my financially to leave right now but Id rather be broke and happy than comfortable and miserable. My mom sent me the link to one of my favorite songs and it really ministered to me this morning. I still have to thank God for EVERYTHING he has done for me, for every situation, for every setback, for bringing me out of this funk Im in.

Thanks for listening
Meka, God is goiing to bless you. He will, he will, he will!!!! I know it!!! Hang in there and keep praying. You know what's in your heart and no one can tell you other.

Thank you for the song, it has helped me today. I have been praying myself, asking God to help me and my familly out of a situation and the answers are coming, I feel them coming. God Bless You!!!
Meka, I have been where you are now and I can tell you that trouble don't last always. No you are not crazy, your heart just hurts and you are tired. Keep praying about it and stay encouraged. Trust me, you will know when enough is enough. I tried to stay for the sake of the children but sometimes that just does more harm than good. And one thing I've learned, is there is no price you can put on having peace of mind and joy. I didn't have that for such a long time during the marriage. I was emotionally unavailable for my children, cried and prayed. Prayed and cried. But when God finally told me enough was enough, I've had peace of mind and JOY ever since. There's that difference between being happy and having JOY! And my children were happier. You will be just fine, trust me. The Lord is not through with you yet!