Split ends...arrrrghhh!!!


Well-Known Member
Let me start by saying you ladies are great, I have gotten so much helpful info from you guys. Thank you.

My problem is split ends galore. I trimmed my hair last week (took an inch and a 1/2 off) and a month and a 1/2 before that and I still have split ends. I have been natural for 12 years now (I kept my hair very short for years) and every time I come close to achieving my first goal (bra-strap length) I have a major set back (yup split ends) and wind up having to cut my hair. I am at my wits end now. Do I have to start over by bc'ing/shave my head bald?

I am open to all/any suggestions as to what I can do to help my hair thrive as I achieve my hair goals.

I have an album up...sorry if the pics aren't clear they were taken with my camera phone.
Hi! To combat my split-end problem, I use the baggie method to keep my ends moisturized and reduce friction. I also use a product called Bed Head Ego Boost, which is a so-called "split end mender." I've used it since about March as a leave-in to prevent split ends and I've only has to trim just a bit off of my ends since. I've never had a product work better, so I use it with every wash. HTH!
Just wanted to offer some suggestions (you're probably already doing most of these things ;) ):

*Sleep on a satin pillow case ( or wrap hair in a satin scarf before bed)
*Don't let your ends brush against clothing (protective style)
*Make sure the shears you're trimming with aren't dull and are used for your hair only.
*Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize and seal those ends with oil
*Limit, or better yet, don't brush your hair
*Deep condition your hair regularly (once a week) and always after shampooing
*Limit or don't use heat

Hope that helps :)
Legend said:
Hi! To combat my split-end problem, I use the baggie method to keep my ends moisturized and reduce friction. I also use a product called Bed Head Ego Boost, which is a so-called "split end mender." I've used it since about March as a leave-in to prevent split ends and I've only has to trim just a bit off of my ends since. I've never had a product work better, so I use it with every wash. HTH!

Hi Legend! I try to keep my ends moisturized by applying either castor or jojoba oil to my ends. I tried the baggie method once but I didn't like that my ends were wet and felt mushy in the a.m. I guess i'll give it a whirl again. Thanks so much for replying.

Keep the suggestions coming guys!
blkbutterflyz0301 said:
Hi Legend! I try to keep my ends moisturized by applying either castor or jojoba oil to my ends. I tried the baggie method once but I didn't like that my ends were wet and felt mushy in the a.m. I guess i'll give it a whirl again. Thanks so much for replying.

Keep the suggestions coming guys!

I actually don't baggie my ends at night, just during the day under my phony pony. At night, like amr501 wrote, I sleep in a satin scarf (and satin pillow case) to keep the ends smooth. :)
locabouthair said:
have you been using a lot of heat. i know when i was pressing my hair regularly i had splits galore.

Hi locabouthair! I usually flatiron once every 3-4 months. I'm too lazy to do it more often than that :look:
Legend said:
I actually don't baggie my ends at night, just during the day under my phony pony. At night, like amr501 wrote, I sleep in a satin scarf (and satin pillow case) to keep the ends smooth. :)

I also sleep in a satin scarf and a satin pillowcase because my scarf always comes off during the night. Thanks! Shoot, I really don't know what i'm doing wrong.
amr501 said:
Just wanted to offer some suggestions (you're probably already doing most of these things ;) ):

*Sleep on a satin pillow case ( or wrap hair in a satin scarf before bed) Done! I do both because my scarf comes off during the night.

*Don't let your ends brush against clothing (protective style) Done! My hair is always in a bun/up. I used to use ouchless hair bands but I noticed that the front of my hair would not grow as much so now I use pins for my buns and hair clips to put my hair up.

*Make sure the shears you're trimming with aren't dull and are used for your hair only. Good point...I only use my shears for trimming but they may need to be sharpened.

*Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize and seal those ends with oil Done!...I moisturize with Giovanni Direct leave-in and seal with either castor or jojoba oil every night.

*Limit, or better yet, don't brush your hair Guilty...I brush the front to keep my edges down.

*Deep condition your hair regularly (once a week) and always after shampooing Done! I used to DC every 2 weeks but I have been DC'ing every week for the past 2 weeks.

*Limit or don't use heat Done! I use heat every 3-4 months.

Hope that helps :)

Yes, your checklist helped alot! Thank you for replying.
Try pre-pooing if you don't already (like a hot-oil treatment with the castor oil). And maybe your hair don't like cones/sulfates or something in the products your using? Try going cone-free for a while and see if it helps. :)
Here are some links to lists of cone-free/sulfate free products:



Also, people that use henna swear that it reduces split ends. I have been reading alot about henna lately because I was interested in trying it (did it wednesday and my hair feels stonger already!!). May want to consider trying it-if you don't already. Check out the "Do ya'll henna" thread. And here's another link with info on henna:


Good luck, HTH :)
Try trimming more regularly. It seems that when you wait too long to trim, more is damaged and you end up seeing splits even after you trim. I dealt with that for a few months earlier this year. Now that I trim regularly, once I trim, no split ends and rarely any when I do trim.
hairlove said:
Try trimming more regularly. It seems that when you wait too long to trim, more is damaged and you end up seeing splits even after you trim. I dealt with that for a few months earlier this year. Now that I trim regularly, once I trim, no split ends and rarely any when I do trim.

Thank you hairlove! I am definitely going to try this because these split ends are really getting to me, that and the shedding (but thats a whole other thread). How often do you trim? How much did you cut off when you had this problem?
I was doing every 8 weeks to get rid of the damage and even up my layers. Now, I will probably do every 10-12 weeks. I always dust in between. If I see splits when I oil my ends at night, I clip them. Now that my splits are minor, I only trim about 1/4th to 1/2 inch - depending on how bad I think the splits are.

blkbutterflyz0301 said:
Thank you hairlove! I am definitely going to try this because these split ends are really getting to me, that and the shedding (but thats a whole other thread). How often do you trim? How much did you cut off when you had this problem?
I started my hair journey in Sept 2005 and I had split ends all the way up until August 2006. I just kept moisturizing, bunning, and dusting. I eventually got ahead of them. So, even if you do everything right sometimes it just takes time.
sareca said:
I started my hair journey in Sept 2005 and I had split ends all the way up until August 2006. I just kept moisturizing, bunning, and dusting. I eventually got ahead of them. So, even if you do everything right sometimes it just takes time.

You are so right about this! Thanks.
hairlove said:
I was doing every 8 weeks to get rid of the damage and even up my layers. Now, I will probably do every 10-12 weeks. I always dust in between. If I see splits when I oil my ends at night, I clip them. Now that my splits are minor, I only trim about 1/4th to 1/2 inch - depending on how bad I think the splits are.

Thank you so much! :notworthy (an "aha" moment for sure) I think more frequent trims is the key to the problem until I get rid of all the splits. Then I can cut down on the trimming so that I can achieve my hair goals.