Starting Over with My Natural Hair :-/

My plans have changed y'all. I just straightened my hair Sunday evening.

The curly girl method was fine, but my hair just started to get dry and very tangly, even after moisturizing with non-silicone products. And I like wearing twistouts, I just got tired of the daily manipulation of retwisting at night and fluffing it into a desirable shape in the morning. And sorry, I just can't stick with protective styles like twists and buns.

Now when I straightened my hair this time, I used serum instead of grease. I think the grease was frying my hair previously. The serum kept my hair straight and it made my hair feel much better than grease. Grease tend to make my hair a little stiff and stringy at times. I also combed through the ends with a fine tooth come AND smoothed the ends with my fingers first before flat ironing each section. I have to do this in order to avoid smashing down coiled up ends with the flat iron which I think was causing the splits.

So I'll see what happens.