Taking it Back to the Old School - Stuffing my buns and roll :-)


Deep Thinker
I'm taking it back to the old school today. I revived the french roll and remixed it with a sorta loose bun.

For all you ladies who don't have enough hair for buns, I hope this gives you some inspiration. I only have a snap of hair when I pull it into a ponytail so I ALWAYS have to add hair as to not look a H.A.M. (I stuff hair in the french twist and also wrap track hair around the bun)

I was a little bored so I just took a picture to show what it looks like and now that I'm seeing it, it's kinda busy, like I have a lot of different hairstyles going on at once. :lachen: Also, I didn't realize till I saw this picture how brown my hair looks...Time for another color rinse. Also, it's not flat-ironed and I'm kinda texlaxed so it could stand to be a bit straighter.

But here it is anyway. Let me know what you think.
Oh, I'm so embarrassed, somebody just walked behind me at my desk and asked me if that was my head on the screen. I tried to lie and say no but you could see clear as day that it is :blush:


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It's funny because people see me bun so much that when I wear my hair out they ask if I got my hair cut. Of course the sistas don't ask because they know the deal :grin:
Thanks! Yeah, I tried to shrink the screen real quick but the stupid thing hung up on me and he walked up and it was clear as day that it was my head because I had JUST taken the pic with the same big brown barrette so there was no way denying that it was me.

Luckily he didn't ask too many questions. I think I turned beet red anyway. :ohwell: