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Has anyone used this texturizer before? If so what were your results?


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ive used it according to the box. it gave me texlaxed results but it was the first time i had relaxed my hair so i didnt know any better. i loved it. after a few months though, not so much. i have pics in my fotki.
hmm im texlaxed but i need to know about other types of texlaxers.. im embarrassed to say but i have never looked at the product my stylist uses for my hair.. but whatever it is.. ima make sure i find out..
had my 2nd touch up and 2nd texlax for the first time in my life last friday.. and the results are great but at first i wasnt using Mega Tek and when i went to get it touched up i had about 1 to 2 inches supa thick new growth and also oil and other product in my hair.. so my touch up is still sort of thick but its cool. ill do my research for my 3rd texlax.
what product do you ladies recommend. i know that texlaxer are lye and lye is not the best for hair.. but tex are very very mild so it works out fine..
I am relaxed and I have very fine, thin hair and I was wondering about gradually transition to tex-lax hair instead of a bone straight relaxer during the winter. I read up on this one and it seems very mild and wanted to know what others thought about it.

Keep the opinions coming!