
Well-Known Member
Time to testify.

My hair now is only a bit past shoulder. I was looking at some 2005 pics and I basically had NO HAIR (posted them in fotki). I am pushing for armpit in 6 months. But I am now truly grateful for where I am today. I realize through experimenting with conditioners, poos, etc, the one factor that changed my hair between 2005 and 2006 was NO HEAT. In six months I made more progress than I had in ONE YEAR!

What's that one thing that really changed your hair?


Active Member
Wearing braids for two months really got me over a hurdle. I am past shoulder length but the next hurdle is APL. I will do that with protective styling. My hair has changed tremendously by DC after every wash and keeping the flat irons and blow dryer out of my head.
I will have to agree with you bajanplums, no HEAT, has definetely turned my hair around for the better.

I would say one thing that changed my hair is brushing it. I never owned a brush before purchasing my denmen and it has improved my texture and manageblity incredibly! I try not to over brush but when I do it makes my life soooo much easier! :D


New Member
Deep conditioning as a pre-poo with every wash on dry hair. This has been a definite plus in the health and length of my hair.:D


New Member
Regular trims and dusting in 05

Just leaving it alone and letting it do its thang in 06

A little bit of both for 07 and it must be working because I'll be hitting
shoulder length in March---right on schedule!!! Yay!!!:D

****i'm actually almost there! I'm soo excited!****


Reclaiming my time
In the beginning, just basic gentle hair care like conditioning after each shampoo, protective styles, no heat, gentler hair colors etc.

The last year: no combing and a new moisturizer has really made my hair thrive! No more split ends :)


Well-Known Member
bauderlady said:
Wearing braids for two months really got me over a hurdle.

Fo sho. I guess this is a form of protective styling. Braids have gotten me soooo far in my hair care routine that I am still wearing them 4-5 years later.


Well-Known Member
For me I would say it has been a combination of a few things. For one, DCing w/ each wash, no heat and moisturizing. Most importantly I would have to say this forum and you knowledgable ladies ;)


Pineapple Eating Unicorn
mw138 said:
Keeping my hair well moisturized and using very little heat.

Same here. I would pre-poo, use moisturizng shampoo, and deep condition only to immediately blow dry and flat iron my hair with no heat protectant or moisturizer.:eek: Once I found good moisturzers and cut out heat, my hair began to thicken up.


Well-Known Member
Most definetely frequent washing and conditioning. Also cw's when I feel like it. This is the best way to keep my hair moisturized, soft and pliable. Everything else is secondary. There is nothing like finding a set of products that work for you consistently. I have found this and I can honestly say that I am very content.
I had a very very very serious bout of shedding bordering on hair loss last year and this past July/Aug 06 it stopped (thank God). Since then I have been using the same products (for the most part) and my hair is extremely HEALTHY. I don't need protein or anything like that. All I need is to stick with the products that I am using. I really do hope that Giovanni Leave In is NOT discontinued b/c I am not seeing it in the stores anymore. This is such a moisturizing leave in and it's cone free.
I now see how the ladies on the board with the most simplistic regimen have such beautiful heads of hair.. less is really best. Find what works for you and stick with it.


Well-Known Member
I would say rollersetting has changed my hair. I started rollersetting my own hair in 2003 and have been able to grow my hair out many times since then. I believe it could be attributed to not having to do too much to my hair after rollersetting it and not having to curl my ends (although I stopped that in 2002)


Well-Known Member
Protective styling (half wigs mostly, and later on weaves), and relaxer stretching. I started doing it in college because money was tight. Little did I know until I found this board that people actually did it on purpose and its good for your hair.


Well-Known Member
Another one for NO HEAT! When I was relaxed I went from an above ear length bob to shoulder in eight months when I just stopped using heat cold turkey.


Well-Known Member
I don't know that I could name just one thing. But it does appear that since I stopped using relaxers, my hair has been in much better shape. I'm not sure that's it, though, because when I stopped using relaxers, I also stopped using heat and brushes and started cowashing daily and taking better care of myself nutritionally. So, I'm not sure what the number one thing is.


New Member
i never liked to rollerset my hair because it doesnt show any length. but i finall decided i was going to start doing it regularly because i was sick of going through blow drying and flat ironing my hair every week.
i love it bc i dont have to do anything to my hair...i just wake up take my bonnet off and im good.


Well-Known Member
Moisturiizing, deep conditioning every week and protective styling. I retain the most length whenever I wear protective stlyes. Lately I've been wearing cornrows under my wig and my hair thriving.


New Member
I'm gonna cheat and say everything as a whole. Protective styles, no heat, deep conditioning, moisturizing, etc.