The Oil Pre-poo, Ayurveda and Non-Ayurveda users alike

I oil and grease my hair the exact same way. I do the edges first. Then I part and oil my entire scalp. Then I part my hair into four sections and generously oil each of the four sections of hair. Then I put a generous amount of oil in both of my hands and smooth my hair from root to tip. I do this one more time and I am done.
I do pretty much the same thing as Shay. I put quite alot on my scalp so I have enough to massage in when I'm done. I do concentrate more on my scalp and ends tho and I try to do all the oiling the night before so it has time to soak in. I add a bit more to my ends just before I actually wash.

I have found that you may need more or less oil depending on which one you actually use. I am currently using Pukka organic bhringraj and it is perfect for pre pooing for my hair.
How are you guys washing the oil out? I did a Amla oil wash and I had chunks of oil afterwards!!! I did a baking soda mix to try and wash it out which could have caused it to become white clumps? Or I though maybe I used too much, I wasn't sure...
I stand in the shower and rinse my hair backwards with quite hot water for about 5-8 mins. This has made all the difference as before it stayed too oily and wasn't able to soak up enough goodness from the ayurvedic powders or from deep conditioning afterwards.
I put my oils in an applicator bottle and I part my hair with the tip and squeeze a lot of the oil in my scalp I then massage the oil in my scalp then part my hair in 4 sections and apply oil not a lot but enough to saturate it. Hair is like a sponge and it absorbs what it needs so I don't think its really necessary to put a lot in the length of the hair