
New Member
Hey Ladies yesterday made it eight months of me being natural and I am still loving it let me tell you what was said to me a few days ago ok I was talkin to one of my uncles about me gettin my hair braided so then my other uncle and my cousin jumped in because they just really don't like that I am natural so any way my uncle and my cousin who jumped in said just go up to the store and get a relaxer I told them no had how bad they made me feel the first I went natural so later I ask my cousin why she did not like my natural hair and she said to me it makes me look DIRTY UNCLEAN AND UN KEPT all because I have this love hate relationship with dandruff cause when I comb my hair sometime flakes come to the surface and sit on my curls and kinks so I said to her is it just me that she does not like natural hair on and yes she told me there is a lady at her job that wears her natural and look cute on her she said the reason why that lady's hair look better then mine is because she a better grade of hair and her is not as thick
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New Member
What does your cousin's hair look like? I hope if I ever decide to go natural I don't get a bunch of people like that in my face trying to tell me what I should do with MY damn hair.


Island Gyal
Girl never mind your cousin and her "grade of hair" BS. Only thing you may want to do is get that dandruff in check but apart from that just find hair styles that you can do easily and that fit you. Don't let them bully you into doing something you don't want to do.


Active Member
Keep your head UP... you can not please everyone all the time. As long as you are confident and secure within you... Then you be happy for you! Critics are our worst enemy...but don't let them get to you and keep you down. :kiss:


Well-Known Member
Why is your cousing spewing that much foolishness??? Sweetie, just do you. If you love your hair then don't let all this foolishness about "grade" of hair get to you.

OP: How often do you wash your hair?
I agree with everything that has been said so far :yep:
She's probably just jealous. :sad:
What is your regimen? There is something that is going on to cause the dandruff.


New Member
Don't let them bother you. I know it's hard. Believe me, once you make it through the first year of negative comments, you can make it through anything. Conflict and problems are only events in life that help us in personal growth.

Your hair is beautiful, there isn't a problem with your hair. There is a problem with some of your family members' minds, it's something they need to work on. Don't you change a thing if you don't want to.


Well-Known Member
Fudge them. Seriously. I am through with folks putting their issues with hair on others. Do you girlie? Now for the dandruff, what are you using if anything? How long has it been a problem? Let's get to the bottom of that first. Forget the negative folks!!!! Q


New Member
THANK YOU so much ladies I don't let it bother me I just wanted tell you ladies how silly some people can be her hair is in bad shape and as for the dandruff ladies I stop taking my vitamins and I have notice when I do not take them the drandruff comes back so I just got to stay on my game I just got lazy not really messin with my hair I just let it do what it do I wash it every other week deep condition you know the good stuff


Well-Known Member
Cousin just may have beef! Sometimes people will act out for other people while secretly wanting what they are complaining about.