Thick or Fine?


Well-Known Member
I want to know if your
hair is thick or fine?

Does having thick/fine
make your hair unmanageable
at times?

Do use specific protective styles or
product(s) that helps manage
your texture?

*As I'm transitioning
I'm trying to find out
if I have thick/fine hair*


You can check out the long thread on fine hair.

I always thought I had thick hair because in my mind fine hair was for women with straight, curlier and wavier hair patterns than mine. Even when I discovered my hair type was fine, I was still in denial until I realised that fine hair needs a different regiment. Since then my hair is doing a lot better.

Fine hair is a challenge because I have all these fly away hairs in the front of my hair and no matter what gel or moisturiser I use it never stays down. My cornrows are not thick. My hair does not hold a curl for longer than one day. My hair also only looks thick when it is blown out but when too much heat is added it looks very slick. Also fine hair when it is short or medium length is not a good look on me especially when I straighten my hair which I have not done in one year. On the plus side, hair grows downwards and is more manageable.

I am very light handed on my products now and pay more attention to conditioning my hair during wash days. I don't do deep conditioning because my hair can't take too much moisturising. So 15 minutes is the longest that I keep my hair conditioner.

I use products with protein. I am now looking for a lighter moisturiser than my beloved Qhemet biologics.

At the moment, I am wearing my hair in cornrows underneath a wig or head wraps. I do a daily moisturiser and only detangle and comb my hair on wash day. Before washing my hair I use gobs of oil to detangle with comb and this makes washing easier. I also wash in sections. I stopped doing that because it was time consuming but I started to do that again because I was not happy with the amount of hair I was losing in the bathtub.
Now I lose nothing while washing.

Hope this helps.

Almond Eyes
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If the diameter of your ponytail is the size of a dime your hair is thin. If the diameter is the size of a quarter it's thick. If it's in the middle, you're average thickness.