Thick, fine, coarse, Medium, thin? I'm confused


Well-Known Member
how can i determine, once and definitevely if my hair is thick, medium or thin? coarse, medium or fine? i've had stylists my whole life tell me my hair is medium textured and thick. now one told me my hair is fine and medium but i have a lot of it. yet another person told me i "don't seem to have a lot of hair" (it was flat-ironed when she saw it) and it seems coarse. what i've determined is that i'm confused. i have no idea which is which - medium texture, medium strand? how do i know what texture my hair is? and the thickness of the strand? (which i assume determines if my hair is thick, medium or thin, right?) could a knowledgeable hair "guru" please explain the differences and how i know what lies on my head. also, when measuring the circumfrence of my ponytail (to find that hair determiner ii/iii or whatever) do i measure my hair in its natural (curly) state or do i measure it flat-ironed and volume~less?