this is too weird

ok, a month ago i got my hair permed after a 3 month stretch(thats my thing for right now) and i decided not to use any direct heat on my hair and instead use protective styles to help my hair grow a month later i was disappointed cause im like where is the new growth, didnt think my hair was growing at all, washed today and my hair is sooooo much longer than it was a week and a half ago, i cant believe it, i just stared in the mirror:eek:. i mean i thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, oh well im happy as i can be:grin:

so my question is has anyone experienced this and can hair grow out of your head i mean without any newgrowth?

i have this friend who has long hair and she also relaxes, but it never looks like she needs it and her hair is so long, she doesnt get new growth, not sure what strand of hair she has but its been that way since ive known her(since we were knee high)
Maybe since you have been taking better care of your hair the difference in your new growth and your permed hair was not that noticeable?

Anyway congratulations on your new growth and your new haircare routine.

since hair grows from the scalp, not the ends, i don't think its possible to not have new growth. i think maybe your new growth was playing tricks on your eyes!
As your hair got longer, the weight of it probably helped to "pull down" your new growth so it looked smoother. But congrats on your success! I now I hope to see the same thing the next time I relax.