
New Member
I need braid regimen suggestions!!!!

I am making a 2nd attempt at transitioning my 14 year old daughter. First attempt was 2 years ago and she had lots of breakage because I had no idea what I was doing or how to handle 2 textures

However, since lurking and now JOINING LHCF, I can do it!!!! :yep: - with your support of course, :grin:

My daughter has neck length, 4b relaxed hair with some relaxer damage and breakage due to over processing. Her hair is also very dry. She is 15 weeks post-today and has been wearing scalp braids for the last 3 weeks. We are going to do box braids for the rest of the year and I need your help with a regimen!!!

I plan to use African pride braid spray, Infusium 23, and an essential oil, every other day.

My questions are:

Should I co wash, if so, how often and what products should I use?

How often should I shampoo and condition? What products should I use? and how do you shampoo without ruining the look of the braids and making them frizzy or loose?

Thanks in advance!!! :grin::grin:
The infusium 23 and braid spray is a really good combination. Thata what I use for braids all the time and I also follow the washing method on Use the spray only as needed. You may not need to use it every other day.

As far as washing, I personally and not a proponent of washing braid extensions very often. I know im in the minority on that one but I feel that as long as the scalp is kept clean then its not necessary to wash them often. I say every 2-3 weeks and keep the scalp clean inbetween washings with Sea Breeze or diluted shampoo and a towel. Frequent washing just messes the braids up imo.
Yes I have very very long braids in my hair and I do NOT want to wet them every week, I'll end up snapping my neck. What are some other good regiments other than the one suggested with the Crown & Glory technique?
OP, I transitioned in braids but I dance to the beat of a wacky drum that most wouldn't even listen to, let alone tap a foot to. So the advice to follow C&G Technique is the one I always give anyone new to growing hair with braids. After you get comfortable with that...or get some experience, then you can tweak the regimen to suit you.

Oreoday, I love to wash my hair and need to do it twice a week or I might get the shakes so I can't really help you. I am also spoiled because I can always fix any braids that unravel myself, so I can afford to wash so often. I suggest you do a search for witch hazel....or is it...the no-water shampoo??? I'm sorry but because these are not methods that appealed to me, I never bothered to pay attention to how they work or are done.

OP, in case you're interested, I use the same regimen I used when I was in twists with my own hair, when in braid extensions. Shampoo twice a week, applying shampoo to scalp and massaging to clean. During the rinse, I squeeze the shampoo through the length of the hair, paying attention to how clean the suds look; repeating the process if suds aren't clean. I do not manipulate the hair. Just gently squeeze it through the whole wash process. Then I apply conditioner to a few strands at a time (the way you'd apply relaxer) but avoiding the bottom inch closest to my scalp. I smooth conditioner up to where my hair ends. After applying to a few braids, I squeeze them to allow conditioner to penetrate those few and then braid them together to get them out of the way while I work on the next set. I leave them hanging to encourage conditioner to drip and concentrate on my hair's ends as they need it more than my roots. When all are covered in conditioner, I cover with a cap and go under a dryer if DCing or just cover and wait. Again, I try to keep braids hanging. Of course some conditioner does get to my scalp but not on purpose. Then I rinse with the same squeezing motion. Next I dunk my head into a basin of water (about 2 gallons of water) in which I've added a 1/4 cup ACV and essential oils and massage my scalp to remove any residue that may not have rinsed off, improve circulation, while letting my hair soak up the goodness of ACV.

I let head hang down while I wrap a towel around the length sorta turban style to soak up as much water as I can, then airdry.

I don't use any other products on my hair.

Again, I don't know anyone else that does this so if you choose to try the no-product braid regimen, do it at your own risk. But if you want to play it safe, C&G has served a lot of people well.
I wash almost every day for the first week in order for the braids to loosen and fall into place; that makes it easier to style the braids. After that i will wash once a week. I normally wash with diluted creme of nature shampoo and, if i feel i need it, i will condition for a couple of minutes with diluted AO HSR.
I spray with african pride every day and use infusium23 on my lengths after i wash. I also spray the infusium on my edges every day.
I would tell
you to make
a leave conditioner spray
from aloe Vera juice, glycerin
and I use essential lemon oil.
Its very important
that you kept the braids moisturized
and it would create less breakage when you take
out the braids.
Oh yea make sure she takes care of her edges/sides!
I am using MT and this essential oil mixture, since
those parts are fragile.