Transitioners: Battle of the 2 Textures!!!


Hair product junkie reloaded!
Hi yall...I have started taking my braids out and my new grow feels all soft and cuddley right until you reach the new growth....around the new growth, my hair feels scraggly and diced up....I don't wanna chop but I am thinkin I may have to when I get home....I usually keep braids in so I am only worried about my real hair when I am between braids....what yall think??
PittGirl06 said:
Hi yall...I have started taking my braids out and my new grow feels all soft and cuddley right until you reach the new growth....around the new growth, my hair feels scraggly and diced up....I don't wanna chop but I am thinkin I may have to when I get home....I usually keep braids in so I am only worried about my real hair when I am between braids....what yall think??

Sorry PittGirl but I don't understand your question. :confused: Would you mind rephrasing?
hopeful said:
Sorry PittGirl but I don't understand your question. :confused: Would you mind rephrasing?
:up: Please!!!! Because I was finding myself reading it over and over to understand. :lol:
oh boy I musta been braid dead when I tped

What I should have said was that my hair feels fine until I reach the relaxed ends...that part feels all diced up and scraggly while the new growth feels all soft and cuddley....
Did you plan on a long transition? I think the decision to chop is very individual. I have been transitioning for way over a year and am sick of it but will continue until May. I turn 30 so it will be a symbolic thing for me to cut of my relaxed hair. If you are going to continue with braids then I'd chop it, but that just my opinion. :)
Yeah I planned on a long transition. I am almost at the one year mark. I originally intended to stretch it out to 2 years, with getting mini chops along the way. I am not sure I am gonna make it though!!

The last time scissors met my hair was in August. And that was only to clip split ends. I am in France and don't want nobody here cutting my hair....and I don't trust myself becausemy eyes aint too I will have to wait til I come home to have someone who knows what they are doing either cut some off or cut all the relaxed ends off....I think either way them ends are gonna come off...if not by scissors, they will just break off...since that what it seems like is happening right now....
WOO HOO!! Just finished taking em all out!!! Man that bout sucked the life outta me! Gonna go wash this bush of hair so I can make it to the bakery in time to get me a crepe....maybe my hair will feel better after i have deep conditioned it and detangled it.
What you should do about your two textures depends on whether or not you plan on keeping it braided. Eventually the natural, new growth coming in is going to win (sounds like it's already kicking butt) and the decision will be made for you. I transitioned for as long as I could, but gave up the fight after nine months. I was just so anxious to start working with my natural hair only and didn't care too much about the length. When I BC'd a few months ago, I had five inches of new growth, and it was the best thing I could have done for my hair. Unlike you though, I didn't use braids to get me through, as I couldn't stand the pain of getting them put in and waiting up to two weeks before my scalp loosened up. The most important thing is to keep your hair (especially the relaxed ends) moisturized. Good luck!
well, just thought i would let yal know that may hair feels much better now that it's been given a god washin and detangling. I did not lose a lot of hair..there was just normal shedding and nothing more than was difficult to detangle though. My hair is VERY thick. I almost wan tto just chop off all the relaxed ends right now! i love the way my natural hair feels!

Well, I'm off for a co wash!