transitioners & naturals: how long did it take?


Well-Known Member
How long did it take to grow out your new growth and reach, say, APL? Of course I mean with your natural hair pressed.

Thanks in advance for your responses :)


Well-Known Member
I'm not there yet but I would say between 2 and 3 years depending on how fast your hair grows and how much of that growth you maintain. Most people reach shoulder around the 2 year mark.


Well-Known Member
i'd say it took me about 20 months from the first inch of ng until i reached apl.


That makes sense. I'm natural...last relaxer was 15 months ago and my nape area is about 3 inches above apl. long will it take for the FRONT of my heair to reach apl? probably a couple of years :(


Well-Known Member
That makes sense. I'm natural...last relaxer was 15 months ago and my nape area is about 3 inches above apl. long will it take for the FRONT of my heair to reach apl? probably a couple of years :(

girl, who you tellin? :grin: see i still have these bangs...................................

it'll get there, don't worry!


New Member
well it took me a year in a half to get to this point ..

This is a year and a half from my last relaxer (100% natural)


New Member
hair grows alot faster natural?? or slower? debating whether i want to do a relaxer ever 6-9 months....... or just go natural... i plan to wear my hair straight at all times.. therefore i should get relaxers huh??


Well-Known Member
well it took me a year in a half to get to this point ..

This is a year and a half from my last relaxer (100% natural)

I just checked out your fotki and your hair is beautiful! It grows so fast! I think it would take me 3-4 yrs to see that kind of growth :( But hey, I have the rest of my life to grow healthy long hair... I'm in no hurry :)


New Member
Thank you! And actually I didn't do anything special. I transitioned for 9 months and my hair was around 4.5 inches in length and I mostly grew it out by doing a lot of twist and no heat. I never cut/trimmed it and it grows an average .5 inches a month. I mostly just conditioned, conditioned, and conditioned ! I did co-washes a a lot because it was easy and fast when it was shorter.


Well-Known Member
Thank you! And actually I didn't do anything special. I transitioned for 9 months and my hair was around 4.5 inches in length and I mostly grew it out by doing a lot of twist and no heat. I never cut/trimmed it and it grows an average .5 inches a month. I mostly just conditioned, conditioned, and conditioned ! I did co-washes a a lot because it was easy and fast when it was shorter.

My good friend mentioned that she conditions, conditions, conditions... and she has WL hair that she relaxes every 6 months. I think I'll try it :)

You've been such an inspiration today!!! I pray that by Dec 2009 I'll feel comfortable cutting my relaxed ends even if I'm not completely at APL... I hope to eventually be BSL or longer when stretched/pressed. I'll keep my eye on your fotki. Thanks for the inspiration!


Well-Known Member
Hmm in my siggy pic Im slightly past APL but my hair is in barrel curls...I wanna say thats almost 1 year and 8 months of growth.


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the responses ladies!

It sounds like on average it takes close to 2 yrs. For some shorter and others about that. I know I'm not a super fast grower... *sigh* My last touch up was in Dec. 07, so hopefully I'll have seen a total of 5-6 inches of growth by Dec. 08. That would put me on pace to be almost APL natural (stretched) in 24-26 months.

I plan to trim no more than an inch every few months of my relaxed ends as I reach for the goal. :)