Tried Kimmaytube's leave in??? Tell us about it!

My only problem is storing the aloe vera juice in the refrigerator and keeping away mold. I was in the process of making my next batch for immediate use, and when I poured out the aloe, chunks of mold came plumping out. Nasty. How long does it take you to go through a bottle of aloe vera? Does anyone know the time to expiration?

I was thinking that maybe I just had a bottle for way too long (I bought it for the conditioner, but haven't been making the leave in as much as I should have been). Or maybe I should just by a smaller bottle (16oz instead of 32oz). Any thoughts?

You can drink 2oz of the the AVJ everyday too! Because I bought a huge 1 gallon jug of it at Trader Joe's so I know I wouldn't be making that much of the leave in so I have to drink it. You can mix in your OJ or other juices and mask the bitterness.
My only problem is storing the aloe vera juice in the refrigerator and keeping away mold. I was in the process of making my next batch for immediate use, and when I poured out the aloe, chunks of mold came plumping out. Nasty. How long does it take you to go through a bottle of aloe vera? Does anyone know the time to expiration?

Oh wow! I need to go check my bottle out. I haven't made the leave in in about two weeks because my Hairveda and Quemet items arrived. I hope I don't see any mold.

I check my bottle for an expiration date but could not find one...... :ohwell:
I made my first batch 2 weeks ago and followed her instructions except I only used 1 teaspoon each of castor and jojoba oil as I am relaxed.

Me likey!:up:

My ends are smooth and and my hair stayed moisturized (without the addition of any other product) til I washed it a week later.
I like the leave-in. I used Giovanni Direct as a base and I like it more than when I used KCKT as a base. Either way, the leave-in leaves my hair softer when air dry.

My only problem is storing the aloe vera juice in the refrigerator and keeping away mold. I was in the process of making my next batch for immediate use, and when I poured out the aloe, chunks of mold came plumping out. Nasty. How long does it take you to go through a bottle of aloe vera? Does anyone know the time to expiration?

I was thinking that maybe I just had a bottle for way too long (I bought it for the conditioner, but haven't been making the leave in as much as I should have been). Or maybe I should just by a smaller bottle (16oz instead of 32oz). Any thoughts?
I have been using the same bottle of AV juice all this time and haven't noticed any mold. Truth be told, I didn't even realize AVJ could mold. *runs to fridge to check bottle*
if it's in the fridge it shouldn't mold at all. but i also find it curious that it molded in the first place. i had a humoungous bottle that i used throughout the summer, w/out refrigeration and there was no moulding.

also, if you're not consuming the juice it should be perfectly fine to leave it out. there is no reason to keep it in the fridge if you're not gonna drink it.

by the same token, there's no reason to keep kimmay's leave-in in the fridge either. the only item in there that one would normally refrigerate is the aloe juice and as i said, if you're not drinking it there's no cause for keep it cold... cool yes (keep it in cool, dry place), cold like a fridge unnecessary.
I have not had any problems with my aloe vera juice molding. I keep the bottle in the fridge for longer shelf life. The leave-in is kept in the bathroom because I always make a small batch that is used up every week, so it does not get a chance to mold.
Hmm. I never heard of this problem before I saw the mold myself. Maybe I just had a bad batch? Just to be sure though, I might start drinking the 2 oz a day and use a bottle up every 2-3 weeks. It wouldn't hurt to get aloe in the body once and a while. I hear it can strengthen nails, which I need desperately.

For those that use regular conditioners as a base, do you find the hair to absorb all of the mix or is there a white film/ flakes noticeable? Giovanni Direct and KCKT stay white on my hair sometimes, even though I use a very small amount.
Finally used it today!!

I used Giovanni Tea Tree Condish as a sub for the KCNT and WGO in place of the Jojoba (my hair doesn't like jojoba)

My mix was very watery. I don't even think I used half of the amount I made either. Oh well, i plan on using it up sometime throughout the week.

Does anyone (naturals) apply this more than a once a week? Or only on freshly washed hair?
Finally used it today!!

I used Giovanni Tea Tree Condish as a sub for the KCNT and WGO in place of the Jojoba (my hair doesn't like jojoba)

My mix was very watery. I don't even think I used half of the amount I made either. Oh well, i plan on using it up sometime throughout the week.

Does anyone (naturals) apply this more than a once a week? Or only on freshly washed hair?


i use this after every single wash or cowash
.....which is several times a week! i need to try another conditioner (i use kcnt) .... i use dayuum near a bottle per week

(i wash so much b/c my scalp itches ridiculously)
I've been using this leave in mix for over a month and I LOVE it! I use Giovanni Direct leave in as my base, wgo and evoo. I apply to freshly washed hair in sections. I've been very lazy so I just bun it up after the leave in application and KIM. To smooth my bun, daily I re-apply the leave in mix to my edges and a little eco styler gel for polish.

I no longer have crunch dry edges, and when I take my bun down after 5 days (I said I've been lazy - I like to call it low manipulation :() my hair is still soft and moisturized. The true test will be a moist braidout for days. I'll try that this weekend for wash day, if I get pass this "low manipulation" stage.
I made a batch last weekend and loved it!!! I also made a batch for my sister and she likes it too!! It left my hair really soft and silky! I had to get used to my hair not feeling so semi-hard but the curls were to die for and it was oily but not too oily. I did have to stop and make another batch right in the middle of twisting my hair but other than that it was fine. I'm going to continue to use it!! :)
I re-apply several times a week. I think the aloe vera makes it watery. Try using less.

Finally used it today!!

I used Giovanni Tea Tree Condish as a sub for the KCNT and WGO in place of the Jojoba (my hair doesn't like jojoba)

My mix was very watery. I don't even think I used half of the amount I made either. Oh well, i plan on using it up sometime throughout the week.

Does anyone (naturals) apply this more than a once a week? Or only on freshly washed hair?
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I re-apply several times a week. I think the aloe vets makes it watery. Try using less.
Thanks! I didn't use all all the recipe I used last night. Just noticed it here on my windowsill, it's now thickened up. Looks very creamy. Im tempted to apply it now :lachen:

eta: as of 13:48, I couldn't help myself. I applied to my ends. My hair is so smoooooth. It has no frizzies. I'm going to test my P.H. on this mixture in a bit.
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I'm relaxed 4b and I used it as a leave-in and as a moisturizer and I'm sold. Used the oils and amounts she gave with the Giovanni Direct Leave-In as a base. LOVE IT although it does leave my hair slightly oily.
Ive been experiencing with different leave in's and conditioners.

Last week I made a batch with Elasta QP fortifying condish and I think I found a keeper, my hair was so so soft and shiny!! Here are pics...The first is of it applied to my damp hair then plaited up, the second is my hair dry...


I was using AOHSR but I decided to stop because I also use it as a DC and it runs out quick, and plus im realizing I didnt get the amount of shine and softness with it like I am with EQP
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I have one word for this leave-in.....AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:grin::grin::grin::grin::grin: I will not be using anything else as a leave in for my hair or my daughter's hair. Oh, by the way we are both relaxed and I used Shescentit's CoCo Creme as the leave-in conditioner instead of the KCKT.
ugh i want to try this. i'm just annoyed that i will have to order the oils and juice online, cuz we don't have any healthy stores down here that i know of.

i hope it works cuz i wanna stretch my precious HE LTR Leave-In. ♥
I tried it once using my cantu shea butter leave in. I was skeptical based on the consistency of cantu (it's a bit gelatinous) and I was right to be. It was super runny and a bit clumpy but I just really didn't want to buy a new leave in so I opted to simply use aloe vera juice. I bought a spray bottle and spray on after every wash. The results are amazing! It's like it instantly smooths my hair down and prepares it to instantly soak in the moisturizer that I apply afterwards.
I guess this isn't really her leave in but I did get the idea from her leave in.
Has anyone here been consistently using the KLC with a cone based leave in?

Have you experienced any build up?

So far ive tried the KLC with HH, Cantu Shea,I loved them, now im using Elasta QP creme intense fortifying condish, and even though I LOVE it im feeling a lil weary, because I feel like a moisturiser or leavein should be as natural as possible...and the ingredients in it are somewhat questionable...
tried it on my daughter yesterday ( i have used the exact measurements and products) and wowwwwwwwwwwwwwww:drunk:, the shine and my daughter her feel so soft and the moisture:lick:, a keeper for me!:yep:
I posted this in the relaxed thread, thought I'd share it here as well.

I tried this leave-in recently and I think that I finally found the right ingredients for my hair, after trial and error.

I first went to GNC to get all of the ingredients (because I was in the area), but they only had aloe vera gel instead of juice.
The woman that worked there told me that the gel would work better anyhow, yeah right. I tried that with the jojoba and castor oil with a few different leave-in conditioners like Elucence MB and Yes To Cucumbers leave-in. My hair wasn't moisturized like I expected it to be with any of them.

I didn't want to give up, so the following week I decided to go ahead and just order the exact ingredients like Kimmaytube. I ordered the aloe vera juice from Vitacost and some Kinky Curly Knot Today. I tried it and my hair just looked stringy and not moisturized. I see that the Kinky Curly Knot Today is not for me. I tried that product years ago and it didn't really work out, but I thought that maybe things would be different if I use it for the leave-in. I guess it doesn't like my relaxed hair.

I didn't want to give up, so the following week I decided to go ahead and just order the exact ingredients like Kimmaytube. I ordered the aloe vera juice from Vitacost and some Kinky Curly Knot Today. I decided to try Yes To Cucumbers leave-in for this mixture as well, so I added half a tablespoon in as well. This time I eliminated the castor oil since I read that it's a humectant. My hair dries out with humectants like glycerin, so I didn't want to take that chance. My hair felt nice and moisturized with this. I have to add that my hair is usually dry by the end of the day, but it still feels nice and moisturized.
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I have used the Yes to Cucumbers has a base with the AVJ, Jojoba and Castor Oil on my daughters relaxed hair that I twisted and put in rollers and let dry. For someone that hate greasy or oily hair she loved the way the mixture left her hair. She leave the twists in a day or two and then untwists them with no frizz for two days. I only like this modified version on my natural hair nonwash days.
Can I get all of these products from a whole foods? Im not familar on where to get these things. I don't think my shoprite has them.
I've been using the leave in mix off and on for about 3 -4 weeks, I've tried it with cantu(i like it but Cantu can flake if you use too much and I often do). I've treied it with GDLI. My hair was soft and I liked it as well. I've also tried yess to cucumbers. The results were the same. I have to say the Knot today gave me the softest longest lasting moisture but I will not be repurchasing. It's too expensive.

In this past week, I've gone back to my juice. I still use the aloe in my spritz, which I think is the key to smothing the cuticle.
I found the Kinky Curly Knot Today locally and tried the mixture.
I love the way it left my relaxed strands very soft and moisturized for days. :up:
I give Kimmay her props,she is a smart lady.
So I checked my bottle of AVJ the other day and saw big clearish/ white globs floating at the bottom. I guess this is the "mold" others have referred to.

My bottle has been in the fridge the entire time so I have no idea what or how these things came to form.

They don't look like typical mold just like globs floating everywhere. *sigh*

Have to order a fresh new bottle now. :(