Twists and Sweat


New Member
I just received twists in my hair on Saturday. I am currently transitioning. I work at at least 5x a week.

On my cardio days I sweat alot. I haven't washed my hair yet. I just moisturize and put a satin scalp and go to sleep. After reading the board I realize that isn't a good thing. I decided to do ACV rinses have my workout.

Okay, read another post. Can you just shampoo your hair on the weekend without conditioning afterwards. Can you just add a leave in moisturizers after shampooing.

My plan is the pre-poo, shampoo, deep condition, my hair when I take it out next week.
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Well-Known Member
Hil84figer said:
I just received twists in my hair on Saturday. I am currently transitioning. I work at at least 5x a week.

On my cardio days I sweat alot. I haven't washed my hair yet. I just moisturize and put a satin scalp and go to sleep. After reading the board I realize that isn't a good thing. I decided to do ACV rinses have my workout.

Okay, read another post. Can you just shampoo your hair on the weekend without conditioning afterwards. Can you just add a leave in moisturizers after shampooing.

My pain is the pre-poo, shampoo, deep condition, my hair when I take it out next week.

For me shampooing w/out conditioning is a no no even in twists. If you're getting tired of the double process try a two in one shampoo and conditioner pert plus esque. My stylist used to use Nature's best or therapy( I can't quite remember the name, but it's a white bottle with a leaf on the front, and I see it at most beauty supply stores). It's a duo and is made for ethnic hair so it gives good moisture. I'm in twists and I work out too. Things that help me are coating my hair with leave in and breakage defense b4 twisting, and rinsing after work outs just water. Usually I focus on my roots not really the length of the twists. Also herbal rinses help. I think ORS has one and there are a couple others, they cleanse w/out the need to rinse and they don't lather. Those really cut back on my build up and the itchies. Otherwise your plan for weekly washes sounds good.
Hair blessings!:)