Very Dry Crispy Hair


Well-Known Member
Lately my hair has been soooooo dry; I don't know what to do anymore. The bottom half feels crispy :confused:

I deep condition every time I wash and lately I've been using Miss Jessie's Baby Buttercreme to moisturize it. But that doesn't work. Oh, my hair is texturized (with Jazma). The new growth feels just fine and soft (I'm about 4 months post relaxer) but it's the ends that are giving me problems. When I straighten it, my hair feels fine so I prefer keeping it straight, but I don't want to always use heat.

Please help!!!! :perplexed
You say you are using Miss Jessie's Baby Buttercreme. Is this what you are using for deep conditioning or to moisturize your ends every day? It sounds like your ends need more moisture, more often.
HoneyDew said:
Is it possible that it may be time for a dusting or trim?

I don't know... I got a trim in Febuary or March. So it's been around 2-3 months, but i'll try that. I'll try anthing!!!:(
Isis said:
You say you are using Miss Jessie's Baby Buttercreme. Is this what you are using for deep conditioning or to moisturize your ends every day? It sounds like your ends need more moisture, more often.

I use the ORS Hair Mayonnaise mixed with ORS replenishing pack to deep condition. I user Miss Jessie's to moisturize when it's still damp and then every other day. But my hair has never been good with moisturizers or oils, but I thought I should try something instead of nothing.
I would try using a Moisturizing Conditioner like Elasta QP DRP-11 and adding a natural EO like EVOO, Shea Butter or Jojoba oil to the mixture and deep condition, use a dryer or plastic cap for 30 mins. to infuse the conditioner.

You may want to try washing and applying a moisturizer like Keracare Oil moisturizer with jojoba oil while the hair is still wet with NTM silk touch leave in and bun your hair. If you are always wearing your hair dry, or blown dry this may be causing your dry hair.

STOP using heat. And stop for a month, just to see the results. Start taking a vitamin rich in omega 3 fatty acids and cod liver oil, something to nourish your hair from the inside. I would start by stopping the heat usage on the outside, using a different moisturizer for the hair and then taking a supplement to help your hair. TIP: When you use a deep conditioner like Elasta QP or even ORS Mayo(but try a different one since you are not getting good results), add an essential oil like evoo, jojoba, rosemary, CASTOR to enrich the conditioner. HTH :)
I have been taking an Omega 3,6,9 oil; I'll start taking it regularly

I went ahead and cut off 5 inches of my hair but I'll def. try your tips.

Thanks :)

Suri said:
I would try using a Moisturizing Conditioner like Elasta QP DRP-11 and adding a natural EO like EVOO, Shea Butter or Jojoba oil to the mixture and deep condition, use a dryer or plastic cap for 30 mins. to infuse the conditioner.

You may want to try washing and applying a moisturizer like Keracare Oil moisturizer with jojoba oil while the hair is still wet with NTM silk touch leave in and bun your hair. If you are always wearing your hair dry, or blown dry this may be causing your dry hair.

STOP using heat. And stop for a month, just to see the results. Start taking a vitamin rich in omega 3 fatty acids and cod liver oil, something to nourish your hair from the inside. I would start by stopping the heat usage on the outside, using a different moisturizer for the hair and then taking a supplement to help your hair. TIP: When you use a deep conditioner like Elasta QP or even ORS Mayo(but try a different one since you are not getting good results), add an essential oil like evoo, jojoba, rosemary, CASTOR to enrich the conditioner. HTH :)
After you wash, are you using any oils to seal in your leave-ins (while wet)? This has helped my hair tremendously. I always airdry and it dries so soft now. I use the Mango and Lime Island Oil over my hair and it feels so silky!