virgin relaxer application advice and silk scarves


New Member
Hello ladies!

I have all-natural hair that is BSB length when stretched. I have worn it in microbraids forever, and while I don't have any heat damage, the edges of my hairline and my nape have suffered from thinning. The rest of my hair is ridiculously thick. I am getting a relaxer in a few days in a salon (probably going for phytorelaxer). I am discovering all the different types of hair on my head, and I wonder if this should affect how the relaxer is applied.

My hair is mostly type 4a coarser strands I believe, but around my hairline, the curls are much looser and fine, and in some cases the hair is wavy. I wonder if the relaxer should be applied to my hairline last because of this looser and finer texture?? Anything else I should look out for in relaxing a lot of virgin natural hair? I have done some reading up on here, and I've already been doing deep conditioning treatments to prepare for the relaxer. I am also doing the aphogee 2 min reconstructor a few days before the relaxer, but I'm leaving my hair and scalp alone for 3-4 days prior to the relaxer application.

OK - and then I have one more random question - when y'all talk about wearing silk scarves to bed, where are you getting these silk scarves? Beauty supply stores? Are these 100% silk scarves? I've always worn the cheapo gangbanger cotton bandanas to bed, but I'm trying to step my game up now because I know the relaxed hair is going to be drier and more delicate. I would not mind shelling out some cash for a silk scarf, but I need some advice on where to get a good one.
