Weave/Wig Confessions & Dating Etiquette

My friends boyfriend had no idea for almost 2 years. Guys are clueless. He thought her wig was her hair! She would just tie up her hair when she took the wig off and he swore it was all hiding under her satin scarf!!

My boyfriend has known me before I started getting into wigs and expressed from day one how much he hates fake hair and loves my natural hair... He doesn't wanna hear no BS about protective styling just wants his hands all up in my fro.... :look: Drives me nuts but hey!

In the future (if there was ever another guy which I doubt) I'd just be upfront... I mean with Facebook these days they'd be bound to find out what lurks beneath!!!
I know when I had a wig I was sure to let men know that I am natural. No need for you to be shocked later when you realize that instead of silky type 1 Japanese hair, I really just have regla negro type 4 hair. No silk here lol.

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If I had some that will come off easily (wig, clip-ins) I would want to tell anyone before they made a move to touch it, but honestly it seems like most men will assume a black women has some sort of weave anyway so its not a big revelation or shocker for them.

I was at a lil get together with a friend who threw on a lace-wig just for the evening so she didnt actually glue it on, and some guy we were flirting with GRABBED the hair talking about, "I like to pull hair, I know you paid good money to have this sewn-in nice and tight" (lmao@this cat)...
....anyway the wig started coming off, and she & I both moved quickly to grab her head to make sure this fool didnt pull it off. It was funny but he was an a$$ for that one.

Oh and dont you know, I think this fool really was clever...he made a move to grab hers FIRST, so he would have an excuse to grab mine and weave check me! Which he proceeded to do to try to carry out the joke (smh), but I could feel his fingers moving around too much in my scalp for it not to be a weave check....then he says the often repeated phrase, "oh this is all you huh?!"...then grabbed it AGAIN from the back just to be sure!!!!

Yes we allowed this because this dude was fine as hayle!!! We were all *teehee* about it, that boy was so fine :smh: We were too tipsy to check him properly, dont judge me:)
That makes sense. I am going to ask him if that is what he meant all along and then indirectly apologize for calling him backwards.

It could be that or it could be that they like braids for the same reason that I've choosen them over a weave or a wig when I'm in a relationship.

I've asked a few guys about this in the past and after lengthy discussions (because some men know what they mean but can't really get it out for fear of retribution) many of them say that they like braids over weaves/wigs because weaves and wigs are "limiting". By this they mean that unlike weaves or wigs with braids you can put your hands through them all the way down to the roots which...if you're into that kind of thing, is less limiting when you're gettin' down to some bidness :yep: or if they are in the mood to play:kissing4: .

Of course, if you're someone who doesn't like anyone in your hair then wigs and weaves are the way to go! That way he won't even be up in your hair because he wouldn't know exactly what to do when up there and will end up just stay away from that area altogether!

As for me, I'm single so I wear half wigs when I'm out and about. If I should meet a guy that I eventually want to get with like that, I'll either put some braids in or (if I'm at goal length) keep my hair out when I'm feeling especially nice! Not just for him but for me as well. A sista has gotsta have some freedom when it comes down to that!!!!! :woot:
@cmw45, explain to him that you like wearing your hair in different styles. I find that non black love seeing natural hair textures better than black people (don't stone me) so I highly doubt he will have a problem seeing your natural curls.

Naw gurl, you speak nuthin' but the truth. I hate to use that term that mainstream has snatched up and overused but "it is what it is".
Hahaha!!! This is an excellent thread. I'm an avid weave wearer and a weave stylist. I never say anything b/c I assume they know it's not mine. And when they ask why I wear it, I tell them I have to advertise what I do plus it helps to grow my hair. One guy even got w/ the program and was like" so in 6 months your hair should be 'this many inches' much longer?" And I was like Yea!
Ever since my setback and having to cut my hair from BSL to shoulder length, I have been wearing weaves. I had never worn weave before so getting asked never bothered me because I knew it was mine. But now that I am wearing this BoBraz, I don't have to say anything because black guys always ask or do some stupid ish like pull up my hair to see if its a weave. Annoys the heck out of me.
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