WEN Conditioner Wash - Heard of it/Tried it?

I've tried it- pre-hairboards and I still have some that I pull out every once in a while. I wouldn't rave about it- it was just "okay" :ohwell: for me- not bad, but not great. I think a lot of the concepts & practices Chaz Dean promotes are very similar to the ones espoused here on LHCF, I just have found that I prefer some other products to do them.

Quite a few people on the board love it though- Charmtreese is one.
Hated it as a "shampoo"...but as a leave in, it's awesome. Makes my hair soft as buttah. That's the only thing I use it for now.
Me, Coffee & Charmtreese, plus a few other ladies use it and :love: it.
I have the Fig & Lavender. It's awesome as a cleanser and leave-in. My hair feels moist and thick when I use it. I have between SL & APL and I use 40 pumps to cleanse & 3 pumps with Fig or Lavendar Oil as a leave-in.

I recently purchased the Re-moist Mask. I haven't used it, but Coffee has and she says it's a keeper as well.