What is Oprah Doing to Her Hair?


Well-Known Member
okay. has anyone seen Oprah lately? her hair is so beautiful. does anyone know the technique her stylist uses to get those results. she's wearing big waves/curls that look slightly wet.

it looks like it could be a roller set but then it looks like it could be curled with the curling iron???? i want that hair!!!
I LOVE Oprah's hair! :love: It looks so healthy, shiny and bouncy. Whoever is doing her hair is on point because she has never looked better.
One day I was watching and viewers had wrote in on the website complaining about her hair saying "Oprah what's with the hair?" because she had a flat wrap for a few days. She talked about it at the beginning of the show and was like well for those of you out there not familiar with black hair, they permed that day before the show or something and were in a crunch for time and couldn't do her hair like they normally do. I thought it was kind of funny. :lol: Honestly, I didn't like the flat wrap on her either. I'm so used to Oprah with bigger hair. LOL But I love her curls. They look great.
I believe it's her real hair, she has always had good looking hair, but if you a sylist at your beck and call you should look good all the time.
That curly hair she wears most times on the show is fake... You can tell because the day she wore the flat-wrap, which was real, her own hair was jet black, the curly hair is deep brown with highlights. I love it though, it really complements her face.
Although I think it looks absolutely wonderful on her, I also think it's a weave or a wig or something. It doesn't look like real hair to me. But it's pretty and looks great on her!
It's fake. Either pieces or a wig. Remember when she was in New Orleans, it didnt look very long to be as full as as the curls. fake hair...
I don't think it's her real hair either. If she got her real hair styled for her show everyday it probably wouldn't be very healthy at this point:ohwell: