What is the difference between curl cream vs hair lotion vs leave-in conditioner


Well-Known Member
...it just seems like they are all the same and I really want to simplify my regimen. It just seems like they are so many products in the market with fancy titles but they operate pretty much the same. I need help ladies because I get overwhelmed easily and I still don't have a reggie on lock :ohwell:

Same with conditioners what is the difference between deep condition vs daily conditioner vs hair mask.

Finally shampoos what is the difference between a clarifying shampoo vs daily shampoo vs chelating shampoo vs swimmer's shampoo.

My hair is 4ab/3c and it is very dry and porous and gets tangled easily. I know that I am not a newbie persay but I have been reggie jumping for a while and still have not figured my hair out yet:spinning:, can you gals please help me out? Also I am considering protective styling using lacewigs soon, how do you guys maintain your hair under the wigs.


Well-Known Member
curl cream -to moisture and enhance curl definition
lotion- moisturizer
leave-in to nourish and condition the hair. to protect against daily styling, environment, sun damage, direct heat.


Well-Known Member
daily shampoo removes build up, gently cleansing the hair and scalp

clarifying removes buildup an is more aggressive. it doesn't deposit any moisturizing agents or ingredients to coat the hair. (doesn't add slip, doesn't add in detangling, it strips the hair)

chelating - it removes minerals, and other chemicals that buildup on the hair over time from hard water, buildup coatings from hair products, etc...

swimmer- removes chlorine.

as far as wigs
you can use flat twists, cornrows, two twists, or 6-8 twists. just put on a wig cap over them. i use a satin spandex cap.
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Well-Known Member
Curling Cream/twisting butters usually have a moisturizing and a 'holding' quaility. The hold can range from light to heavy

Hair lotions generally have light feel and don't offer much hold but are great for adding a touch of moisture to dry hair. Also as a styling aide they get rid of fly-a-ways and add a finished look.

Leave-ins - I don't think of leav-ins as styling aides like Curling Creams and Hair lotions. Leave - ins are conditioners that I use to help detangle my hair before I style it.
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Well-Known Member
Rinse out conditioner just smooth the cuticle usually good for cowashing and slip
Deep Conditioner penetrate the hair for a longer lasting affect


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean. Would I be right in saying that hair milks/lotions are light moisturizers and creams and butters are just heavier moisturizers that do the same thing?


Well-Known Member
Great question. I have often wondered what is the difference between a hair masque and a deep conditioner. I just look at the ingredients when deciding. Generally if the first five or so ingredients are the same I just think it is marketing gimic and keep it moving


Well-Known Member
I admit that I've never really understood the difference between moisturizers and leave-ins. To me, they are the same thing.

I too am trying to simplify my regimen and find products that serve multiple purposes.


New Member
A leave in conditioner-is not as heavy as regular conditioner, but heavier then a styling cream or lotion. It is mostly for moisturizing purposes and won't necessarily define your curls (though it usually helps)

A curl cream- is thinner in consistency then a leave in conditioner and should provide light weight hold and definition for your curls (a gel would provide more definition and hold)

hair lotion- hair lotion is supposed to help give dry hair luster. It's thinner in consistency then a curl cream. Honestly most lotions don't do a dawg gon things for my hair. I don't waste money on them anymore

A lot of products do the same thing honestly. Companies just make them sound different through marketing.

Choose one product for moisture, and another for hold. Or if can see if you can find one that does both. The less products you use, the better.


PJ Rehabilitation Center
I look at a Curl Creme to Define/Style your Curls and make them "Pop" Usually a Creme, Custard, Pudding

I look at a Hair Milk as either water or oil based that Moisturizes your hair.

I look at a leave-in as a product that Detangles, Smooths, etc...and can either be a lotion, creme or spray

My Personal Opinion:grin:



Well-Known Member
They all offer some level of moisturizing. The leave in being the least and the curl cream & hair milk are usually heavier. Some hair needs one some hair needs all of em.


Well-Known Member
For me a decent leave in doesn't have any heavy sealants in it or cones (if your into that) and is a first point of contact after washing hair that can be applied often without building up really bad. Curl creams have heavy sealants sometimes like shea butter or petroleum and are for curl definition, for me build up happens pretty quickly and my hair is dryer.