What makes Pantene dry hair out??


New Member
Okay, I tried to research this myself, but there were SEVERAL pages of stuff on Pantene. So, because I'm lazy, I just started a new thread. :D

Alright, I used Pantene faithfully about 3 or 4 years ago. It made my hair feel wonderful. I swore by it, because I loved it. Well, I later received word from my stylist that it was drying my hair out, and that I should stop using it. I was also informed that I should not use the "white" products because they were made to remove the oil from "their" hair, and "we" need the oil in "ours."

Okay, well now that I'm learing how to care for my hair, I want to know what caused Pantene to dry my hair out, so that I don't use other products that do the same thing. Was it cones or alcohol that made my hair dry?? After reading an article on cones, I went through all of my products and realized 60% of them had cones. I mean, these were products that a lot of ladies rave about (NTM, PM Moisture Line, PM Super Skinny Serum, Elasta QP Mango Butter, Protectiv Break Free). I mean everything. I researched alcohols and printed an article on it. I haven't read it yet, though.

So ladies please help me figure this out so that I can have a full head of healthy hair like most of you. TIA!!!!
I cannot really answer what made Pantene dry your hair out. I use Pantene Hydrating curls and I have never had the experience of it causing my hair to dry out. Different versions have different ingredients I believe. Which version of Pantene were you using?
usually it's all the cones in it that coat the hair strand and prevent moisture from coming in. Over time this can lead to dryness
I use Pantene Hydrating Curl on my hair and even though I love this conditioner it is drying my hair out, I think it is because of the cones. I think when you use products with lots of cones you need to clarify more often.
there's a lot of protein and cones in it. I know w/ just that amount of protein over time can really dry out your hair. Even the ones that say "moisturizing"
I was using Pantene Relaxed and Natural for a while about a year ago. I went to a Caucasian hairdresser to get a color and he asked me about my dry hair. I told him that I used Pantene and he told me to never use Pantene on my hair. He said that it is full of wax (that's what makes the hair so shiny after consistent use of it) and it dries out the hair. He told me that a stylist that he knows was coloring a ladies hair that consistently used Pantene and that her hair strands exploded after he applied the color. She had some mild scalp redness and tenderness but she was okay. She looked like she had a crew cut after that happened. That's scary.

If you know that it is drying out your hair, I would stop using it. Your goal is not to have dry hair.
I think its the cones. I don't touch that stuff anymore. I've mentioned before that when I first use Pantene it seems so good. Then, before too long, my hair gets dry as the desert, without fail. People have told me to just clarify and it will be okay. Problem with that is you have to use SLS shampoos to get cones out, which my hair does not like. And since I cowash daily, I'd have to use them often. The protein doesn't help either. That can be drying, depending on how often you are using it.
A lot of people do say that Pantene does dry their hair out. I have been using it for over ten years and I've never noticed anything. It actually works great for me and it's something that I'm always going back to. I have the Relaxed and Natural Breakage Defence deep con and it is very moisturizing, I really like it.
I stopped using Pantene when I started using Tresemme Anti-Breakage. I liked Pantene but it wasn't anything special. I still have a couple of shampoos from them and planned on using them just to get rid of them instead of throwing them out. I guess I will just throw them out now instead.
I've been using Pantene for a while and I guess I never really noticed that my hair was dried out or anything. Maybe it's because my hair seems to like proteins and cones.:confused:
cincybrownsugar said:
I cannot really answer what made Pantene dry your hair out. I use Pantene Hydrating curls and I have never had the experience of it causing my hair to dry out. Different versions have different ingredients I believe. Which version of Pantene were you using?
ITA never had a problem.
oooh - ya'll scarin me. I just started using Pantene Relaxed and Natural Intensive Moisture Shampoo once a week dep on if i need more protein and the 10x stronger moisture conditioner. Now I must admit I am a newbie with some serious damage/ dryness/ breakage. So my hair is thankful for ANY kind of routine. But my experience with it like you said is wonderful for a beginner. I have only been using it a month. I suppose after a while like how some people say- the product doesn't work anymore based off of what the products do to the hair. I did say once I complete the bottle I would graduate to Nexxus but ya'll got me scurred.

byt the way what is a SLS shampoo?
Well i have used pantene for relaxed and natural when it first came out. It had mineral oil i belive or petrolatum in it which can be drying to the hair. I havent used it in a long time so i cant tell you if the formula has changed or what. I can say it never made my hair feel good or soft, but i have used pantene hydrating curls and it is great. It allows the comb to run through my hair like butter. I was wondering if it could be lused as a leave in with all good results that i use to get with it.
Okay, I used it 3 or 4 years ago, so I'm not sure which version I was using. This was before R&N came out. When R&N did come out, I didn't like the effect as well as the regular one. My hair wasn't as soft, so I stopped using it.

So, how can I determine what's drying my hair out?? Because, even though I may love my products, if cones are the culprit, I'm getting rid or products that contain them.
nomoweavesfome said:
oooh - ya'll scarin me. I just started using Pantene Relaxed and Natural Intensive Moisture Shampoo once a week dep on if i need more protein and the 10x stronger moisture conditioner. Now I must admit I am a newbie with some serious damage/ dryness/ breakage. So my hair is thankful for ANY kind of routine. But my experience with it like you said is wonderful for a beginner. I have only been using it a month. I suppose after a while like how some people say- the product doesn't work anymore based off of what the products do to the hair. I did say once I complete the bottle I would graduate to Nexxus but ya'll got me scurred.

byt the way what is a SLS shampoo?

Don't be scurred. :) Everyone's hair is different. Maybe Pantene won't cause you problems, especially if you clarify regularly with a shampoo that removes cones.

SLS = Sodium Lauryl Sulfate