What was your childhood 'hair regimen'?

Just a show of hands, how many of us had the Mickey mouse puffs? Because, I'm doing that to my daughter now, lol.

**raises hand** They were too cute! Might try them again as an old-old silver head :lol:

Used to get the Glovers treatment about once a month and not as a DC, either. I went to school with that stuff in my head. Probably smelled like a little oil refinery.

Week to week it was Johnson's baby shampoo and air dry in plaits. For school my mom would do a hot comb press with mucho grease and then plait it up again. In the summer for swimming she'd do different cornrow patterns, like one big cornrow going around my head in a spiral.
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On weekdays I jumped in the shower and bathing consisted of letting my hair get soaking wet.

My mom detangled my damp hair with those wide-spaced detangling comb and used a soft brush on the edges and used a series of grease (we changed frequently lol). My daily hairstyles ranged from 3-4 plaits, depending on the styles.

Every Saturday I washed with whatever shampoo and conditioner that was bought.

My hairstyle on Sunday was when I got to wear my hair in 1 or 2:grin:.
My mom (or another female relative) did the following approximately every two weeks:

- Shampooed several times with whatever was handy (they really bought into the “hair squeaks when it’s clean” theory)

- Oiled using a copious amount of the white Dax Hair Grease

- Detangled in sections

- Each section was placed into a ponytail (typically 3, but no more than 4)

- Air dried and the ponytails were redone every day
Ok, another childhood memory... I started doing my own hair is High school. I washed it once a week with a shampoo called Aquamarine and I even used Queen Helene Cholesterol to deep condition my hair. I would blow it dry and roll it up every night with the hard rollers or sponge rollers. I use to wear a bang that I load down with Pink Lotion and water so that it was curled tight. I would pick it out for a greasy curly bang each day. It was so greasy, I use to place a piece of toilet paper under the roller to keep the pimples at bay, which never worked.

I always loved hair. I use to go to the library and tear out the pages of the McCall magazine whenever there was the article about 30 different hairstyles to wear. Lord, knows I didn't have long straight hair like the pictures but I could dream.
Regimen.........Hmmm........Uh............"Grease and Water"!

That was the, Pre-Poo, The Condtioner, the Leave-In and whatever in between. Yup, Grease and Water! :nono:
My regi was wash 2X a month and my mom would grease my scalp with Dax green grease,hot comb my hair, and pony tail it. My hair was long, but it was super long relaxed. My mom would retouch my whole head every 4 weeks. All I wore was pony tails and wraps. My hair was BSL until Toni Braxton came out and I cut it short. My mom wanted to kill me!:lol: On a fresh relax, she used Dax green grease and the last 2 weeks sulfur 8 to grease my scalp. She used Dark n Lovely relaxer and did not base my scalp. I never got scalp burns when she did my relaxers.:nono:
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I don't remember having an actual regimen. I think my mother washed my hair w/CON shampoo, not sure about any conditioner. Wildroot Hair Groom and grease such as Dax, Ultra Sheen and one that smelled like coconut was used on my hair. My hair was normally worn in a ponytail(s). A few times, my mother let me get my hair cornrowed. My hair lenghth ranged from CBL to WL. I didn't start doing my own hair until I was about 12. At age 12/13, my older cousin gave me my first relaxer.
- Johnson and Johnson's no more tears shampoo and detangler spray
- Ultra Sheen setting lotion
- Ultra sheen hair grease

My mom didn't know what to do with my hair so my aunt washed it weekly. Who knows with what. I wore braids throughout the week and on Saturday, they were taken out and put in pigtails for church on Sunday. My hair was always long, most likely because I was never allowed to do much to it. I didn't get a relaxer until I went to high school and I had to beg and plead for that.
My mom used our salon's products which arent too bad. She would wash my hair with shampoo, condition it and braid it in little plaits every week. Sometimes I wore my hair in a ponytail or flat ironed but braids were my signature hairstyle. She would comb my hair with a Goody wide toothed comb that I still have today and only did so when it was wet. I would never get my hair cut. Very rarely (A habit I still have). My mom was one of THOSE moms that didnt want her little girl to get her hair cut. All this got my hair to MBL. Now that I look back, I feel lucky to have a mom that knew a bit about haircare.
Shampoo and condition EVERY DAY with nexxus therrape & humectress

I wore my hair in a pony tail every day. Never used styling products. Other kids made fun of my little baby hairs sticking up all over the place
You know when I think about it, my mom had a pretty well rounded reggie for my hair:

Every 2 weeks:

Wash/condition with Revlon Flex shampoo and conditioner, the balsam and protein ones

Mane n tail detangling spray while wet, detangle with a wide toothed comb

Seal with TCB grease

Airdry in two braids
Shampoo, Condition, comb while dry w/ a wide tooth comb, and a fine tooth comb *eek*-no wonder I never got past SL-then braid up weekly. Oh and "moisturize" with blue magic grease.
i was in braids religiously most of the time until 6th grade...my hair was probably washed every 3-4 weeks with creme of nature or motions, rarely DC'd, "moisturized" with pink lotion and blowdried before it was braided up, and my scalp was greased with bb super gro or blue magic. a couple times a year i might get my hair pressed for special occasions. my hair was always APL-BSB (except for scissor mishaps :look:), until i got a relaxer in middle school.
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My mother never allowed chemicals in my hair - no jheri curls, no perms. The products she used were.

* Original CON Shampoo
* Any conditioner on sale at the drug store: Breck, Suave, Vidal Sassoon, etc.
* Cholesterol Conditioner - for DC
* Johnson & Johnson No More Tangles
* Avon One Step (discontinued in the '80s)
* Heating cap (old school orange floral print)
* Pressing grease: Royal Crown and Bergamot usually.
* Stove pressing comb
* Medium curling iron (stove)

She only pressed for special occasions and shampooed my hair every week in the summer (beach, park, etc) and every two weeks during the school year.
- Wash & Condition 1x/ per week with Mane & Tail Shampoo and Conditioner (the original one) or Avon Shampoo and conditioner
- DC once ever 3-4 weeks with Mayo, Egg, and Olive oil treatment
- Apply Emergency 911 or Infusium leave-in
- Put into ponytails or prep for braids.

My longest childhood length was HL/TBL. After I started getting relaxers, my regimen pretty much remained the same, except that I would get relaxers every 4-6 months or so.

On special occasions, she would rollerset my hair and press the roots.
Mom was doing it .... wash every 2 weeks blow n press it out (with thatold school hot comb on the stove that I then hated) grease scalp with blue magic and or bergumont. And cornrow it .... when I got to it. Eventually she started the Relaxer once a month(from root to tip at that) with dark n lovely and cornrows. Then I started doing it... blow dry n hot curlers till the cows came home. Started using suave trop coconut poo n condish, switched to opt care relaxer. And yea that's all I remember. I don't know what I did after I had to cut my hair. Oh if I knew then what I know now.

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Wash every two weeks with Suave shampoo and conditioner (no dc). blowdry with pink oil/blue magic. Usually in braided sections with clips at the end. Hair out was a rare occasion.
Once a month, my grandmother would wash, deep condition with heat, press with a hot comb on the stove and curl my hair. I wore it down for one week, sleeping in rollers. After that it was in braids until the next wash day.
Pert Plus 2-in-1 Shampoo Conditioner
TCB Hair Grease
Hot comb

Three hair styles: 1) one ponytail with the end braided and a barrette, 2) two ponytails, one on either side of my head, ends braided and then clasped together with a barrette, 3) two big braids, one on either side of my head. That's it and that's all.

Oh, wait, how can I forget those gawd awful, stiff, Dee from What's Happenin' bangs mother used to make me wear. I hated going to bed with that one stupid roller in the front of my head. I think I may have had two ponytails with a horizontal part, one ponytail in the front and one in the back. I can't remember though.

My hair was always pressed. I have never in my life had an afro puff. My mother didn't know how to do hair to save her life. The few times I wore cornrows my aunt did them. I used to always want to wear beads or a head full of ponytails like the other little girls. Womp, womp. My hair was past my shoulders but it definitely was never waist length.
Shampoo - whatever store brand mom brought
Conditioner - I don't recall whether it was used or not.
Brush - Goody

My mom would use Blue Magic and water to do my hair on the daily. But I would also get my hair pressed sometimes. She always kept my hair pretty by braiding it up or putting it in various amounts of ponytails w/bows at the ends. Her favorite style was two braids around my hair line and two ponytails on each side. My mom braids very good (even to this day) and my hair would stay nice for quite some time but there were never tight.
Mom was doing it .... wash every 2 weeks blow n press it out (with thatold school hot comb on the stove that I then hated) grease scalp with blue magic and or bergumont. And cornrow it .... when I got to it. Eventually she started the Relaxer once a month(from root to tip at that) with dark n lovely and cornrows. Then I started doing it... blow dry n hot curlers till the cows came home. Started using suave trop coconut poo n condish, switched to opt care relaxer. And yea that's all I remember. I don't know what I did after I had to cut my hair. Oh if I knew then what I know now.

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We must have the same mama :lachen:My mom would pull that relaxer all the WAY from root to tip EVERYTIME I got a relaxer. I didn't know any better until I got older and started paying to get my hair done. Then I hipped mama to the game about only relaxing the new growth AND less frequently. Oh and Blue Magic was that stuff! lol
Let me start off by saying I love my momma to death, she is the absolute best...but...she straight jacked my hair up when I was little. My hair was coarse and thick, and down to my back, so like most mommas, her solution was to slap a relaxer in when I was 7 or 8. However, we both learned that day how crucial it is to wash it ALL out. I woke up to hair on my pillow and it slowly broke off until it was about five inches of hair.

Her regimen consisted of royal crown, blue magic, braids w/beads, and hot combs. I don't remember getting a DC, except for the 10-15 minutes as directed on the label. We usually used products "made for blacks" like D&L, African Pride, etc.

The next several years were spent trying to figure out how to get it growing again, to no avail. It didn't start growing until I was a teenager and got braids all the time.
Lemme find out yall was gettin' your hairs "MOISTURIZED" back-in-the-day, Yall knowz we was gettin' these heads "GREEEEEZED"! :lachen::lachen::lachen:
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Pre poo with beaten eggs sometimes eggs and rum
Shampoo and condition with whatever moms bought at the store
Oiled with l'huile palme Christi or coconut oil
2-4 braids airdry and moms was done she would put ribbons on the ends for school or outings at home nothing no bands elastics or colorful balls none of that.
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Three hair styles: 1) one ponytail with the end braided and a barrette, 2) two ponytails, one on either side of my head, ends braided and then clasped together with a barrette, 3) two big braids, one on either side of my head. That's it and that's all.

Me too!! I rocked the ponytails with the little rubberbands with colorful balls on them and matching barrettes at the ends. Mom would wash my hair whenever she saw me scratching my scalp :lol: but I don't remember how often or with what. I'm pretty sure she used conditioner. I can only remember getting it pressed once.

I was tenderheaded and I remember hating to get my hair washed or combed. She would take the rubberbands and barrettes out at night but leave the braids in for sleeping, then in the morning would take the braids down, moisturize with Alberto V05 hairdressing creme (in the tube), detangle with a comb that was always too find-toothed for me :sad:, brush, and re-do the ponytail braids.

When I was 9 or 10 I got my first relaxer -- my mom did it and she was really careful, based my scalp and everything, but I was a nervous child and was always telling her, 'I think you got some on my scalp!' :nono: Poor Mom. She did my relaxers until I went away to college, and even a few after that. :yep: Thanks Mom!