Which NTM product for rollersetting?


New Member
I have 3c type hair and I would like to try one of the NTM products for my rollersets. Should I try the serum or the leave-in? I'm confused on the recent threads on which ones you guys are using to do rollersets that is comparable to Salerm or Lacio Lacio. Thanks!!
MissM said:
I have 3c type hair and I would like to try one of the NTM products for my rollersets. Should I try the serum or the leave-in? I'm confused on the recent threads on which ones you guys are using to do rollersets that is comparable to Salerm or Lacio Lacio. Thanks!!
For the actual roller setting, you could use the leave-in. Then after the roller set is dry (and you're ready to style) you can use the serum. This is where I use the serum.