
Well-Known Member
My husband's scalp no matter how many times he washes it smell like wet dog when he sweats.

To make matters worst my 5 year old has this problem as well.
No matter what I do, if she sweats it smells like wet dog?
Any solutions? I currently wash her hair with about a pea size amount of shampoo. Focusing only on scalp and then smoothing shampoo down to the ends. About every 2 weeks I clarify the scalp only. Either with shampoo or baking soda.
I use Regis hydrating Balm and then follow up with Dabur Vatika hair oil. Rinse. Allow to air dry. I replenish her hair oils with Keo Karpin Hair oil. Wonderful flower scent.!

It is just when she gets hot that I notice this dog smell.
Do you think this is hereditary. My husband is not Black and I have noticed that most Caucasian's hair have this smell when they sweat. My father who is bi-cultural has this smell as well. Is this crazy?
I hope that no one takes this offensively.
I don't have any "ground breaking" ideas on your topic, but I have spent time with bi-racial or completely Caucasian women. (For out of town conferences and after particular strenuous dance workouts) But I have found it very common that their hair smells "different" when it gets wet. And "wet dog" is probably the most common way I have heard it described. Basically I don't think it is something that can "go away" or be treated. I thought it was something with the amount of oils that their hair produces. And why poos and conditioners that they used always have a heavy fragrance. But that's nothing scientific or anything just some life experiences.
My fwb is white and his hair doesn't smell like wet dog. Maybe because he keeps it cut short... I know the smell you're talking about, though. I always thought their hair smelled like this because it was chemically treated (color, curly perm, etc.). Or maybe it's something they're eating.

I went to predominantly white elementary schools in the early 70's. The era of Toni and Ogilvie "home perms".
On rainy days, I felt like
My spouse nor daughters have perms or any chemicals.

Anyone with any suggestions. With the summer coming around this maybe a problem.

I wash about every 3 days because she does have oily hair. Perhaps I should try every two.

Any other suggestions?
blaxalrose said:
From what I understand, more frequent washing will solve this problem. I think the smell comes from the oil in the hair.

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree Blaxalrose.

Sterry, how often does your husband wash his hair? My husband washes his hair daily so he's never had this problem.
My dh washes his hair daily, and I've never smelt this on him either. I too remember this smell from school in the 70s, but haven't smelled it since. I think it's more of a hygiene issue, that the oil makes their hair smell that way.