Who lives in a dry climate?


Well-Known Member
I need some help with how to retain moisture in dry and arid climates. My hair is a birds nest!!!
Psst! :sekret: I keep a little bottle of my mix of ORS Olive Oil and Coconut Oil in my purse. During lunch, when I freshen up, I "freshen" my hair as well. :rolleyes:
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Moisture, Moisture and Moisture.. I also spray my hair with a homemade mix of conditioner, oil and distilled or rose water whenever I feel my hair may need additional moisture. I also recommend that you stay away from products with a high glycerin content when there is no moisture in the air.
What are the best products for moisture retention, sealing, etc. I am having abeast of a time lately. My hair has been so dry. I can't remember what I was doing to it last year at this time, but I'm doing something wrong. I have checked my conditioners and products for glycerin and have discarded those. How do I keep the moisture locked in?

Hey Precious Pearl!!
I'm in southern GA, and right now its roasting temps..I'm serious..the grass in my yard is crispy and the asphalt like a frying pan! :lachen:

Oh yeah, onto the subject..:look:

On freshly washed hair, I moisturise and seal heavily...keep my ends tucked up in buns when I go out. I don't flatiron during the summer, because then I'll be tempted to wear it down..and I don't want to risk my ends suffering big-time :nono:
I often baggy my entire head and then wrap it with a scarf to run errands on very hot and dry days.
I'm out here in the desert and what has worked for me is Darcy's Botanical Avocado & Wild Plum Twisting Cream (Glycerin-Free). It keeps my hair well moisturized and has some holding power as well. Love it!

Mamas, if you haven't tried the juice i'd recomend that highly. It has given me moisture and retention. I also use the ORS Olive Oil (both product are staples and I am NEVER without them - EVER)

Also you might want to try moisturizing hair and keeping it wrapped up. (I stay wrapped while indoors. I'm serious, people come and hang out at my house and I have my wrap on like, So?) This helps keep the moisture on my hair and not in the air.

I haven't tried sealing yet.........But from what i've seen other ladies post, It's not a bad idea if retention is a concern. Hth.
I'm in Phoenix and I use Qhemet AOHC
and/or BRBC plus Moringa Tree Ghee.

I also use ECO gel mixed with aloe vera juice
as a gel a couple of times a week for twisting.

Plus I recently added permanent color as well.

Keeps my hair soft and moisturized.
Never disappoints!
Florida native here! It's hot and humid. Expected to be 100+ the next few days and it's not even July/Aug which is the hotter months for us. Moisture!!! However, protein / moisture balance is key. Having the right amount of protein in your hair will help the hair hold on to the moisture better, which helps in dry climates.