"Why Marriage Matters" -- Please Share Your Heart on This.

Verses from the song I wrote and sang for my beautiful husband on our wedding day:

'When the music stops, and the lights go down
I want you to know, I'll still be around
Not just on sunny days, but when we can't find our way
I will whisper, we're bigger than any storm'

'Lord hear this prayer, it's from my heart
Join us together, let us never part
We'll be a testimony Lord, of your grace and your mercy
Always from now, now til our end'

Marriage is a divinely ordered joining of a man and woman. The process that (with the help of God) allows two hearts, minds and bodies to become one. It means putting yourself last, and your partner first, it means looking at yourself in a new light, realising the ugly parts of yourself, and melting when you realise that this person sees and knows all of them, but loves you in spite of them. Being naked, in all the senses, it's scary, but knowing that your spouse is and will always there, and has your back - embracing that kind of vulnerability is so freeing.

I will go to whatever lengths I can to preserve my marriage.

It is much more than a contract to me, it is a covenant. I promised God that I would love and keep myself for this man and he only til death do us part - somebody show me the loopholes in that, lol. Infatuation, lust, etc. are emotional. Love and marriage, are choices. You decide to hang in there, it's work, but it's beautiful reaping the effort you sow into a good marriage.

This is absolutely BEAUTIFUL ! ! !

I can sense the presence of God in every word and I actually hear the melody of soft strings in the background.

I hope you are able to record this. It's beyond a love song; it has the Holy Spirit of God within every frame and note. I can 'hear' you singing with a full heart... of the love of you and God for your husband.

God bless you both in your life and love and marriage and finances and health and success in life... forever. :love5:
What does marriage mean to you? Marriage is the union of two becoming one. It is no longer about Lucie but about my husband and I. We are a team and that means that God comes first, than each other. Children and relatives come after us.

What length will you go to preserve it? I am in the struggle of my life right now. I have let go and let God return my husband back to me. I will never give up on my marriage because God never gave up on me. No matter how destructive, selfish or just plain old stubborn I was, God has never taken His love from me. Even when I went above and beyond to prove to God that I did not need to live by His Word He never turned his back on me. How then can I turn my back on my husband? Because this separation hurts? Because it makes me feel sad? Emotions are just emotions. My love for him is a choice. Many people have told me to move on. However, ther people are not in our marriage vows. We said them to each other, not other people.

How do you 'define' marriage? Is it emotional or contractual? Marriage is a covenant relationship between God, myself and my husband. Marriage is not a contract. Contracts can be reneged. A covenant is for life.

:love3: :bighug: :love3:

For you and 'Hubby'... forever... :rosebud:
WOW.. I couldn't have said it better, Pooks..... All my sentiments on marriage line up with your post, esp the bolded. It's a refining process to being completely selfless ....

Thank you for sharing this...thanks button won't suffice!


Verses from the song I wrote and sang for my beautiful husband on our wedding day:

'When the music stops, and the lights go down
I want you to know, I'll still be around
Not just on sunny days, but when we can't find our way
I will whisper, we're bigger than any storm'

'Lord hear this prayer, it's from my heart
Join us together, let us never part
We'll be a testimony Lord, of your grace and your mercy
Always from now, now til our end'

Marriage is a divinely ordered joining of a man and woman. The process that (with the help of God) allows two hearts, minds and bodies to become one. It means putting yourself last, and your partner first, it means looking at yourself in a new light, realising the ugly parts of yourself, and melting when you realise that this person sees and knows all of them, but loves you in spite of them. Being naked, in all the senses, it's scary, but knowing that your spouse is and will always there, and has your back - embracing that kind of vulnerability is so freeing.

I will go to whatever lengths I can to preserve my marriage.

It is much more than a contract to me, it is a covenant. I promised God that I would love and keep myself for this man and he only til death do us part - somebody show me the loopholes in that, lol. Infatuation, lust, etc. are emotional. Love and marriage, are choices. You decide to hang in there, it's work, but it's beautiful reaping the effort you sow into a good marriage.