You can still judge someone by their fruits


Well-Known Member
My mother witnessed the following.

She was in the grocery store when she saw an elderly woman in a wheelchair. The woman was trying to reach for something on the top shelf. Instead of asking for assistance, she attempted to stand and balance herself using her wheelchair and promptly feel to the floor. My mom said that she was trying to figure out how she could help the woman up. She was a large woman and my mom didn't think that she could get the woman back into her chair by herself. She there were others shopping. She was surprised by the clean-cut young men who just left the elderly lady sitting in the floor where she feel. She then saw some teens that she discribed as scary-heavily pierced, multi-colored spike hair ect. To both of their surprises the teens stopped. She said they simply asked "Grandma, what are you doing on the floor?". Each one took an arm and lifted her up and placed her back in her chair.

You still can judge someone by their fruits-only sometimes the tree doesn't match the fruits. It kind of reminds me of the parable where Jesus curses the tree that looks ready to bare fruit but doesn't. That is the way my mom felt when she saw the clean-cut men coming toward them. You would think it would have been them that stopped and helped. They were simply trees that showed great promise but had no fruits.
What a beautiful story! Good for all of us to remember!

Not sure if you saw it...but someone posted a video in either off-topic/entertainment, part of a show that tested whether or not people would respond to a child possible being abducted. Well, those who most would think are unlikely to respond did...young black males, dressed semi-thuggish etc. By their fruits...
What a beautiful story! Good for all of us to remember!

Not sure if you saw it...but someone posted a video in either off-topic/entertainment, part of a show that tested whether or not people would respond to a child possible being abducted. Well, those who most would think are unlikely to respond did...young black males, dressed semi-thuggish etc. By their fruits...

Amen. I had a similar situation with a flat tire. It was only the thugish guys who stopped and helped because they would "want someone to help their mama." We really need spiritual eyes to see who people really are.
My mother witnessed the following.

She was in the grocery store when she saw an elderly woman in a wheelchair. The woman was trying to reach for something on the top shelf. Instead of asking for assistance, she attempted to stand and balance herself using her wheelchair and promptly feel to the floor. My mom said that she was trying to figure out how she could help the woman up. She was a large woman and my mom didn't think that she could get the woman back into her chair by herself. She there were others shopping. She was surprised by the clean-cut young men who just left the elderly lady sitting in the floor where she feel. She then saw some teens that she discribed as scary-heavily pierced, multi-colored spike hair ect. To both of their surprises the teens stopped. She said they simply asked "Grandma, what are you doing on the floor?". Each one took an arm and lifted her up and placed her back in her chair.

You still can judge someone by their fruits-only sometimes the tree doesn't match the fruits. It kind of reminds me of the parable where Jesus curses the tree that looks ready to bare fruit but doesn't. That is the way my mom felt when she saw the clean-cut men coming toward them. You would think it would have been them that stopped and helped. They were simply trees that showed great promise but had no fruits.

Thanks for sharing....sometimes we truly can't judge a book by its cover!

The ones that I least expect end up giving me a helping hand :yep:.