Relaxed 2 Natural Insanity Challenge 2014/2015/2016

Welcome again new challengers!

Ok here's my discovery. My hair laughs at the flatiron. I straightened yesterday and my roots reverted so quick. LOL! I was afraid of using heat during the transition but now I can but only 3-4 times a year if that. I'm thinking about wigging it in 2014 and doing a 4 inch chop when I straighten next December. Crosses fingers and toes.

Oh I used GVP chi silk infusion knockoff. Love that stuff.

Any new hair discoveries ladies? It's interesting to see how our new growth responds so differently.
Just wanted to say that I think this is a great thread. I was a long term transitioner and help from LHCF is the reason I succeeded. I'd volunteer to be a mentor but it's been so long since I was a transitioner, I'm not sure how helpful I'd be.

But I wish you all luck on your journey and will probably pop in the thread every now and again.
My recent discovery is that my natural hair is much better behaved with Chi than my relaxed/texlaxed hair. My natural hair loves the Chi Enviro but after a couple of I really-had-lost-control-of-my-brain days with my flat iron I was seeing lots of broken relaxed ends on the floor and everywhere. I was in distress and went for some reinforcements--first the Aphogee two-minute which made my hair say Whatchu talkin bout, Willis and then I had to break out my big stick with the Aphogee two-step. If the breakage doesn't stop I could be rocking a twa shortly! No more blow-dry/flatiron---except for special ocassions, maybe once every other month.
My recent discovery is that my natural hair is much better behaved with Chi than my relaxed/texlaxed hair. My natural hair loves the Chi Enviro but after a couple of I really-had-lost-control-of-my-brain days with my flat iron I was seeing lots of broken relaxed ends on the floor and everywhere. I was in distress and went for some reinforcements--first the Aphogee two-minute which made my hair say Whatchu talkin bout, Willis and then I had to break out my big stick with the Aphogee two-step. If the breakage doesn't stop I could be rocking a twa shortly! No more blow-dry/flatiron---except for special ocassions, maybe once every other month.

Please update us. I was thinking of getting the chi environ system for length checks since my hair is hard to straighten.
Update on my Chi experience: the Aphogee two-step, followed by my moisture-max mixture revived my hair and stopped the hair on the floor syndrome in its tracks. I'm still struggling with styling. I'm almost 22 weeks post and have a fair amount of NG. Chi makes it so soft and manageable but I look like crap because I haven't figured out how to mange the three textures (relaxed at the ends, texlaxed in the middle and virgin at the root-processed with Chi enviro). I've been U-tubing my butt off trying to come up with something.
Cattypus1 How about bantu knots, braidouts and twistouts? That way you can disguise the various textures.
My twist outs are not so cute now because my NG shrinks like crazy and I look rough. Haven't tried a braid out lately, I'm going to have to give that one a shot. I did a Bantu knot out last night on 80-90% air-dried hair. It wasn't an epic fail but I still had to finish under the dryer this morning before work.
Successful Bantu knot out ladies...ponytail stretch on freshly washed and conditioned hair, air dry, remove bands twist with SD Almond Buttercream. Lottabody setting lotion to the last inch and secure each with a bobby pin, cover with a silk scarf, went to bed.


Curls are tight but they will loosen as the week goes on. I'm happy with the curls!
Successful Bantu knot out ladies...ponytail stretch on freshly washed and conditioned hair, air dry, remove bands twist with SD Almond Buttercream. Lottabody setting lotion to the last inch and secure each with a bobby pin, cover with a silk scarf, went to bed. Curls are tight but they will loosen as the week goes on. I'm happy with the curls!

Beautiful! I would love to see how the curls hold up throughout the week. Also how will you maintain them, pin curling maybe?
Successful Bantu knot out ladies...ponytail stretch on freshly washed and conditioned hair, air dry, remove bands twist with SD Almond Buttercream. Lottabody setting lotion to the last inch and secure each with a bobby pin, cover with a silk scarf, went to bed.

Curls are tight but they will loosen as the week goes on. I'm happy with the curls!

So flipping pretty
haha this challenge came a little too late for me so I won't be participating. I'm 91 weeks post and will be doing my final (and biggest mini chop) in 2 weeks. I wanted to transition for a full 2 years but I just couldn't make it. It is no joke dealing with two textures!

But I'll tell you ladies the biggest things that helped me get through were braid/twist outs, bunning (mostly wet), nearly daily co-washing, weekly DC'ing, and WNGs once I mastered them. It took a LONG time to find products for each of these steps/styles that worked for me.

Good luck and move your scissors out of sight because there are days where it will be too frustrating!
Beautiful! I would love to see how the curls hold up throughout the week. Also how will you maintain them, pin curling maybe?
My plan is to M&S and cover with a silk/satin bonnet and nothing else...I hope. That plan may be a bust tomorrow when I wake up looking crazy as heck! We'll see...
1) last length check pic as a starting pic

2) number of weeks or months post relaxer
16 weeks! yay out of like 150 lol

3) your transitioning mini chop plan
cut off an inch every 4-6 months or so :look:

4) favorite transitioning hairstyle
easiest is a high top bun

5) your HG transitioning product (it could be a moisturizer, conditioner, etc)
giovanni direct leave in and coconut oil

6) your "planned" final mini chop and at how many weeks/months that will be when your transition has ended

July/Aug 2016

7) your natural hair crush
natural neiicey, hair crush, longhairdontcare, etc

I need a natural hair twin. my hair makes mostly a tight s shape but i do have pen sized coils too. It might coil more once I have more natural hair.
1) last length check pic as a starting pic 2) number of weeks or months post relaxer 16 weeks! yay out of like 150 lol 3) your transitioning mini chop plan cut off an inch every 4-6 months or so :look: 4) favorite transitioning hairstyle easiest is a high top bun 5) your HG transitioning product (it could be a moisturizer, conditioner, etc) giovanni direct leave in and coconut oil 6) your "planned" final mini chop and at how many weeks/months that will be when your transition has ended July/Aug 2016 7) your natural hair crush natural neiicey, hair crush, longhairdontcare, etc I need a natural hair twin. my hair makes mostly a tight s shape but i do have pen sized coils too. It might coil more once I have more natural hair.

OMG! Your hair is EVERYTHING! Welcome and I will add you by the weekend.
1) last length check pic as a starting pic 2) number of weeks or months post relaxer 16 weeks! yay out of like 150 lol 3) your transitioning mini chop plan cut off an inch every 4-6 months or so :look: 4) favorite transitioning hairstyle easiest is a high top bun 5) your HG transitioning product (it could be a moisturizer, conditioner, etc) giovanni direct leave in and coconut oil 6) your "planned" final mini chop and at how many weeks/months that will be when your transition has ended July/Aug 2016 7) your natural hair crush natural neiicey, hair crush, longhairdontcare, etc I need a natural hair twin. my hair makes mostly a tight s shape but i do have pen sized coils too. It might coil more once I have more natural hair.
I want that pretty!
Stretching the hair definitely Makes blending and styling easier.

How many ponytail did you do? I may start doing 2 verses 1. I don't know yet.
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Mizani therma smooth poo has sulfates so ok back to the drawing board
Anyone know a sulfate free smoothing poo?

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Update on the Chi Enviro Smoothing for my transition...I wish I had done it sooner! I have some damaged ends, about an inch from the bottom, which I think I will probably lose or eventually trim. The best part is that I don't have any breakage at the demarcation--almost 6 months post. I'm wondering if a Chi "touch-up" would help reinforce the ends.
My Bantu knot out from Monday is still holding strong. I opted not to test fate and to lightly mist and use a thumbprint of almond buttercream and re-knot in about 6 knots each night and it's working.
I finally mastered finger detangling! I had to change my detangling conditioner and work in sections, braiding each section when done.

I also had some success with moisturizing. Instead of applying leave in to wet hair, I applied it to damp hair, much better results.