Spots With Edge Control?


Well-Known Member
I get painful spots. At first I thought it was the brand but I changed back to the old one I used before and I'm still getting sores only when I use edge control.

Anyone else? My edges are really sensitive to breakage so I'm worried about the spots but I don't want them to be a mess. What other option do I have?
@xxlalaxx, sores or sore spots?

Sores - are you allergic to a particular ingredient or ingredients? Have you compared the two brands you've used to see if they have ingredients in common? I cannot use Amla because I get scalp soreness, burning and irritation. One time, I even had open sores. It didn't take me long to figure out Amla was the common denominator in products that was causing issues.

Sore Spots - for thicker gels that do not glide on the hair easily, I dampen my hair first and this helps the gel to slide on with ease. Otherwise, I will have soreness along the edges around my temple.
@xxlalaxx, sores or sore spots?

Sores - are you allergic to a particular ingredient or ingredients? Have you compared the two brands you've used to see if they have ingredients in common? I cannot use Amla because I get scalp soreness, burning and irritation. One time, I even had open sores. It didn't take me long to figure out Amla was the common denominator in products that was causing issues.

Sore Spots - for thicker gels that do not glide on the hair easily, I dampen my hair first and this helps the gel to slide on with ease. Otherwise, I will have soreness along the edges around my temple.
I have raise sore spots only where I use the product. It's like having a breakout on my scalp because sometimes it's two or even three raised spots in one area. I was even noticing it with a dodgy shampoo I bought from an Asian BSS which I throw out as I think it was a fake.

I didn't even think to look at the ingredients. I always assumed it was blocked pores causing the issues.
By spots do you mean small areas or bumps/pimples?

I totally agree with above though, you could be reacting to something in the product. Or it really is just clogging your pores. Or both. Have you tried exfoliating your scalp after using edge control?
@xxlalaxx, I'm thinking it's a reaction to an ingredient but scalp buildup definitely doesn't help. Inspect the ingredients, try to narrow it down, toss those products and move on. Do exfoliate your scalp.