"STRAIGHT" Naturals and Transitioners


New Member
Am I the only one who isn't going natural for the curls? I mean, I don't mind braid-outs on blown-out hair but I'm not into afros and other natural styles. I just don't want to get anymore relaxers and I realized that I don't need them because I can get my hair just as straight. It's just even more thick and healthy without the relaxer.

Are there any primarily straight naturals on here or transitioners who plan on wearing their natural hair straight most of the time?
Not me, i love the curls, but i now that i will be straightening a lot, just because i love to change my style.
I don't care for my hair much in its natural state either. one reason is it's two very different textures: soft, smooth corkscrew curls in the back and coarse, frizzy semi-straight texture in the crown and front. another reason is that my hair tends to break off more when i wear it natural for more than a couple weeks at a time because of knotting and tangles. i only wear it natural is it's coil set or thrown in a messy bun, sometimes i pin the front and wear the back out. i know i lot of ladies here don't like a lot of heat styling but i've never had a relaxer and have been wearing my hair straight 50-90% of the time since i can remember. i have achieved brastap length in the past and have never had a major problem with breakage or damage until recently. i think different methods work for different people so if you find something that works for you, go for it!
while i love the curls, i will be straightening a lot because i still love straight hair. i went natural b/c i am way to sensitive for relaxers more now than ever and after i saw my new growth i thought- humm... not so bad. i like both styles, but not all of the natural styles fit my personality. so i will be back & forth between straight and curly.
I'm transitioning now, and i think i'll be straight 90% of the time, but i won't always try an get it relaxer straight, sometimes i'll just blow it out so i can get a wide tooth comb through it at the very least.
I plan on wearing my hair straight the majority of the time. I haven't used a lot of heat during my transition so when I am fully natural I can better determine how I can manage my natural curls. But once I move from Florida, I plan on flat ironing/roller setting more often
I am still undecided. I have all of these different textures in my head the the crown does not play well with the rest. My crown is frizzy no matter what method I use. When I am fully natural I can decide what is best for me. As for now, I alternate between the flat iron, rod sets or buns.
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i started the HHJ in February. I got a relaxer at the end of April because I thought that would free me up from blowdrying/flat ironing my hair.

Well no. Duh. I still needed to blowdry/flatiron/rollerset etc. if I wanted straight hair...even with the relaxer.

So now I figure... what do I need a relaxer for? But I like my hair straight right now during the work week.
At first i cared about the curls. But after the first year i was over it. Don't care about texture to much now! Just want long hair!
I don't wear my hair straight majority of the time, but I have a few natural friends who do. All of their hair is BSL or longer and they aren't on hair boards. I think being a straight natural is great if length is your real focus.
Thanks for this thread OP... I'm 14 months post relaxer. I was intending to press/flat iron my hair when fully natural, but this board has taught me about twist outs and maybe even roller setting as an option.. thanks for posting..ur not alone.
I started transitioning b/c relaxers were ruining my hair and i wanted it to be stronger. i LOVE straight styles and prefer them to my curls but my hair is STILL too fine and fragile to wear them as often as i'd like. If i had the choice, i'd keep it straight most, if not all, the time....but hey, thats what wigs are for, i guess lol
Great thread, I think I'm going to be more of a straight natural as well. Like other posters said, straighter hair fits my personality more and most importantly, I just wnat long hair.
The first time I went natural and avoided heat like the plague and I had really poor retention due to knots. This time I will at least keep my hair blown out. I also plan to flat iron 2x a month to keep the knots to a minimum. I am more concerned with being relaxer free than maintaining my texture. I love my natural texture but it loves to mat and knot and I am not ready to locs yet. So until then I'll be a straight hair natural.
No you are not the only one. While I want natural hair-I want straight hair so I am in the process of transitioning now but the only thing I hate is the heat I use. When my hair gets longer I will definitely be a bunning type of person but right now its ear length and I am obsessed with heat (I know bad)
I'm planning on being a primarily straight natural. More from rollersets and stretched braidouts, than flat ironing or pressing though. I like the fluffy straight look, rather than bone straight.
I'm going to wear my hair mostly straight and probably an occasional puff!! I'm just not seeing any texture on half of my head so i'm not sure how it will look curly/wavy.
I'm thinking about wearing my hair straight most of the time. I'm more into quick and easy styles. Even when my hair was relaxed it was usually in a ponytail or just down. Now that I'm natural I prefer quick wash and go's, but that causes way too many single strand knots. And my hair has way too much shrinkage to wear in a puff with out stretching it first, which usually takes forever to do.

I am just waiting until my hair reaches APL and then I'm pretty sure I will wear my hair mostly straight.
i started the HHJ in February. I got a relaxer at the end of April because I thought that would free me up from blowdrying/flat ironing my hair.

Well no. Duh. I still needed to blowdry/flatiron/rollerset etc. if I wanted straight hair...even with the relaxer.

So now I figure... what do I need a relaxer for? But I like my hair straight right now during the work week

Ditto. I am transitioning now. What's the point of putting a caustic chemical in my hair every 3 - 4 months if I still have to use heat to get my hair straight.
I'll be joining as a strait natural.:yep: I get too much tangling with twists and wash n gos my previous natural journeys.:nono: My transitioning hair got really strait and it looks more full than my relaxed hair. My pain is trying to maintain it now that I got a good idea how to do roller sets to straiten my hair.:rolleyes:
when i was relaxed i had to do those same things, blowdry, flatiron (not to mention all the maintenance that came with relaxed hair) . i swear its faster doing it in its natural state and i have less concern over breakage. i try to limit my straightening to 4 times a yr for now. but if i ever decide to go back to straight hair id rather straighten my natural hair with a flatiron a couple times a month than relax. but thats just me.
When I was natural before (about 15 years ago), I used to wear it curly with just oils in it - wash n' go. But it didn't look too good after a couple hours. So I started putting scrunch products in it, but then it would get dry and brittle. My hair does better when it's slightly stretched out with a blowdryer on a low setting. I don't comb through it as I blowdry, I just hold it stretched out with my hand and run the dryer up and down each section a few times. The tension would make it just right. It looked better than airdrying and it looked nicer for a longer period of time.
But I'll probably wear it straight most of the time, now. It's easier and I'm hair-lazy.
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Does anyone wrap their hair after straitening? I need to learn how to maintain my strait look.

I never wrap my hair. I just tie a scarf around my edges and put a satin bonnet on. Also, never use a water-based moisturizer when u want to keep your hair straight.
i'm a straight transitioner. its just easier to manage my hair, and i get less breakage and knots if i keep my hair straight. when i was completely natural it was easy to manage my hair and i didn't have those knots and tangles. so the straight hair is just for the transition. i understand why some naturals prefer to be straight though. its just so thick and healthy and can be just a straight as relaxed hair without the damage. i definitely plan on rocking my natural hair straight sometimes.
I am more than likely going to be a straight natural. I started transitioning by mistake. I was stretching my relaxer and realized that I can get my hair just as straight as a relaxer without the chemicals. My hair is also a whole lot healthier now that I am only using heat to straighten my hair. The last time I transitioned I tried to do the no heat thing and I damaged my hair so no more of that for me. Maybe after I eventually cut off all of these relaxed ends I will experiment more with twistouts and shingling.
i wrap it just as i did when i was relaxed and since it's shorter, i put in a few rollers at the crown (just like when i was relaxed.) :)lol

my niece is 3 yrs natural and she wears it straight always. flat iron at the salon. she just started to wear a curly doo since i did my bc and decided to see what hers looked like curly and it was very cute and now i think she's sprung:)
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