Spinoff: Type 2/3's inspiration pics threads

I've always thought the same thing. My hair is really fine, fly-away and has no weight so that could be part of the reason.

My strands are thick/coarse to medium in size and can actually feel heavy at times (to the point of giving me a headache and neck pain), especially when wet.

Hmm... Interesting question ladies.

Pokahontas, you and Irresistible have gorgeous hair. Why won't you two add pictures to this thread? :yep:
Pokahontas hit the nail right on the HEAD (pun alert).

Every single time I lay eyes on Brooke Kerr, Teri et al, I am wondering to myself why in the heck my curls have never and will never travel that far down my back.

Now personally, I don't care about super long length; just below shoulder length has always been great for me. (I do care a lot about thickness, but that's whole 'nother saga).

But it's always been a great mystery how people with same exact or even MUCH smaller curls pattern than mine (we're talking smaller than pencil) can have curls down their back and to their butt.

I remember asking this one girl back in high school what she did to get her hair to hang that long. She had similar curls to mine, only much more uniformly pencil-sized; no bigger, loopier ones mixed in like me. She also had much thicker hair.

She told me: "I just use my Aussie conditioner as a leave-in."

This was the early 90s and this was the first time I had ever heard that you could use regular conditioner as a leave in. Ladies and gents, I ran right over to the Walgreens and got me some Aussie 3 Minute Miracle and started heaping it on to see if it gave the curls the weight needed to hang down like her mane.

Needless to say, it didn't.

Before the past month (when I self-trimmed), I have not had a haircut in 6-7 years. And in all that time, my curls have never traveled further down my back than just below shoulder. They always, without fail, shrink up to that length.

This lead me to believe that my hair grew at a snail's pace. I told everyone "my hair just won't grow."

Now I realize that my hair had to have been growing all that time. zIt had to, right? 7 years? It just never visually manifested itself as longer.

And yes, my hair is very thin and fine when you examine it closely and recently after a wash. So maybe "density" definitely has something to do with it.
yup light weight here too , w/no product, just like a poof of cotton candy

so there should be a weight included with the hair strand to the type-that's at least one distinction we have made LOL

I'm sure there are more too

lol, cute. My wet hair would definitely be considered overweight. :giggle:
Pokahontas hit the nail right on the HEAD (pun alert).

Every single time I lay eyes on Brooke Kerr, Teri et al, I am wondering to myself why in the heck my curls have never and will never travel that far down my back.

Now personally, I don't care about super long length; just below shoulder length has always been great for me. (I do care a lot about thickness, but that's whole 'nother saga).

But it's always been a great mystery how people with same exact or even MUCH smaller curls pattern than mine (we're talking smaller than pencil) can have curls down their back and to their butt.

I remember asking this one girl back in high school what she did to get her hair to hang that long. She had similar curls to mine, only much more uniformly pencil-sized; no bigger, loopier ones mixed in like me. She also had much thicker hair.

She told me: "I just use my Aussie conditioner as a leave-in."

This was the early 90s and this was the first time I had ever heard that you could use regular conditioner as a leave in. Ladies and gents, I ran right over to the Walgreens and got me some Aussie 3 Minute Miracle and started heaping it on to see if it gave the curls the weight needed to hang down like her mane.

Needless to say, it didn't.

Before the past month (when I self-trimmed), I have not had a haircut in 6-7 years. And in all that time, my curls have never traveled further down my back than just below shoulder. They always, without fail, shrink up to that length.

This lead me to believe that my hair grew at a snail's pace. I told everyone "my hair just won't grow."

Now I realize that my hair had to have been growing all that time. zIt had to, right? 7 years? It just never visually manifested itself as longer.

And yes, my hair is very thin and fine when you examine it closely and recently after a wash. So maybe "density" definitely has something to do with it.

Interesting. You're another person with fine hair that doesn't hang much? So it's true? Is it safe to conclude that coarser/thicker strand hair tends to hang more due to it being heavier?

Pokahontas, interesting question.
Pokahontas hit the nail right on the HEAD (pun alert).

Every single time I lay eyes on Brooke Kerr, Teri et al, I am wondering to myself why in the heck my curls have never and will never travel that far down my back.

Now personally, I don't care about super long length; just below shoulder length has always been great for me. (I do care a lot about thickness, but that's whole 'nother saga).

But it's always been a great mystery how people with same exact or even MUCH smaller curls pattern than mine (we're talking smaller than pencil) can have curls down their back and to their butt.

I remember asking this one girl back in high school what she did to get her hair to hang that long. She had similar curls to mine, only much more uniformly pencil-sized; no bigger, loopier ones mixed in like me. She also had much thicker hair.

She told me: "I just use my Aussie conditioner as a leave-in."

This was the early 90s and this was the first time I had ever heard that you could use regular conditioner as a leave in. Ladies and gents, I ran right over to the Walgreens and got me some Aussie 3 Minute Miracle and started heaping it on to see if it gave the curls the weight needed to hang down like her mane.

Needless to say, it didn't.

Before the past month (when I self-trimmed), I have not had a haircut in 6-7 years. And in all that time, my curls have never traveled further down my back than just below shoulder. They always, without fail, shrink up to that length.

This lead me to believe that my hair grew at a snail's pace. I told everyone "my hair just won't grow."

Now I realize that my hair had to have been growing all that time. zIt had to, right? 7 years? It just never visually manifested itself as longer.

And yes, my hair is very thin and fine when you examine it closely and recently after a wash. So maybe "density" definitely has something to do with it.

I think we're on to something guys:yep:.

I bet your hair was growing. As I got longer lengths my natural texture didn't move much (just got wider/bigger), even when I hit hip-length, that's why I gave up on my natural hair goal but I'm happy with the hair I have, shrinkage and all:yep:.
I think we're on to something guys:yep:.

I bet your hair was growing. As I got longer lengths my natural texture didn't move much (just got wider/bigger), even when I hit hip-length, that's why I gave up on my natural hair goal but I'm happy with the hair I have, shrinkage and all:yep:.
wow , :thud: wider bigger here too, no hangtime, just growing outward and bigger by 'appearance' while loose, and only longer if stretched

shoulder length stretches to hip:spinning::spinning:
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What type of hair is this? I'm really curious. If you don't like the Andre system, I'd be interested in any other description. It looks like straight hair that has little bends all down the length. Is this what lightly wavy/curly hair looks like when brushed out? Or what?
That pic stood out to me too

to me, it reminds of a totally different hair type , like a 4 that is hanging and straight. Very interesting. its like a mixed hair type to me:drunk:
@ Poka, your beautiful hair seems lighter and fluffier than Brooke Kerr's and Teri's. Perhaps that is why it doesn't hang as much. Their hair even looks heavier. That could be due to product usage. I think porosity is a factor as well as strand diameter, density and thickness. My sis' hair is looser than mine and I have more natural shrinkage. But if we use the same styling products, my hair hangs more and takes forever to dry. My hair is thicker than hers too.

Most pics we see (especially celebs and models) are on styled hair with products (i.e. finger styled). This is why I can never understand the issues people have with product usage. Andre's book indicates type 3s need product to define the curl. When they don't, the hair will frizz. (At times, I prefer frizz)

I visit type 3 and 4 threads because I have both. Some of the best advice was from women with a different curl pattern but with other similar characteristics.

@Iris - do you use sulfate shampoos. These really impact how my hair behaves. It tends to frizz and spread vs. clump (if that makes any sense).

Back to pic watching.
What type of hair is this? I'm really curious. If you don't like the Andre system, I'd be interested in any other description. It looks like straight hair that has little bends all down the length. Is this what lightly wavy/curly hair looks like when brushed out? Or what?

It's HER hair type :grin:, that's MY most accurate description.:lachen: I honestly couldn't tell ya where I think it fits in the typing systems commonly used because it's not like the typical hair I see on a daily basis. It probably doesn't act like hair is "supposed" to act for X type. My great grandma would have called it 'kinky straight" and that seems a pretty good description.

However, I'm almost certain she did nothing to alter the texture. That's just how it comes out of her scalp. Plenty of Pacific folks have that sort of hair. Tahiti is very humid....heat styling would last like 2.5 secs and surrender ungraciously! :giggle:
I wonder does the coarseness (thickness/diameter of the hair strand) of the hair has anything to do with the hair hanging too? Like thicker strands tend to be "heavier"; therefore, they hang more than light weight, fine strands? LOL, I dunno.

I think my hair hangs okay, but no where as well as Teri's hair.

I believe this to be true. The thicker the strand=the more the weight=hang. My Polynesian ladies all seem to have a very thick strand and tons of density, so no matter how "foofy" (my scientific terms :giggle:) their hair is, it hangs down after X length.

Celina your hair has tons of "hang" and probably "swang" too. LOL...duno what you're talking about chicka! :grin:
I believe this to be true. The thicker the strand=the more the weight=hang. My Polynesian ladies all seem to have a very thick strand and tons of density, so no matter how "foofy" (my scientific terms :giggle:) their hair is, it hangs down after X length.

Celina your hair has tons of "hang" and probably "swang" too. LOL...duno what you're talking about chicka! :grin:

I do have hang and "swang", lol, but not to the extent of Teri's. There's just so much variation in hair that it's hard to type. I agree with Irresistible that there should be more factors that determine hair type instead of only curl size, because all of these things (porosity, density, "weight", etc.) combined make our hair what it is.

This may sound strange, but Teri appears to have a lot of stands of hair on her head. The amount of strands people have on their heads varies, but Teri appears to have a lot. Even if my hair was Teri's length, I wouldn't appear to have as much because I have less strands. lol

Jamaraa, it's nice to see you posting around here. :grin:
Rock star kids...

Karis Hunt Jagger



Karis and Marsha Hunt

Alexandra (Bowie) Jones


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Since Neneh Cherry made the thread, how 'bout Eagle Eye? He's a rock star, a rock star's kid, and brother of one. :grin: Hey Flowerhair...he's your fellow Swede! ;)







Neneh and Eagle Eye


Toure...Eagle Eye's "American twin"..they remind me of each other for some reason


Bonus Cool Slash pic
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Paulo Goude...Grace Jones' son (Grace a grandma? :blush::grin::look::yep::spinning:)





Paulo and Mariah

Natt Weller...son of Paul Weller and Dee C. Lee of The Jam/Style Council





In case you wanted to know :grin:



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I'm so glad the type 2s and 3s have a picture thread! yay! (I don't know my hair type, but I'm most likely type 4) You guys have gorgeous hair! You guys are in the middle of ultra straight and ultra kinky...the middle road... best of both worlds!
Rock cats (and a chick) 5

Robert Smith (The Cure)






Sheryl Crow..I've always thought La Crow had the bomb hair! :yep:






Earlier days w/ MJ as his backup singer



Poka and those of us that have been around here long enough know this shift in things around here is not a positive thing and not how things should be.....It's getting tiring for many of us:nono:

eta and yeah, the hang with this hair type is very confusing, thats exactly part of my confusion

And I also don't get the hair type thing. I have few curls unless I twirl them around my finger. My hair is wavy but I ain't a 2!