Curls Coconut Sublime Conditioner


Well-Known Member
I recently purchased this product mainly because there is no protein in this. I would like to know for those who have used this 1) Does it have good detangling properties for thick 4 ab hair and 2) does this leave hair moisturized and not dry after washing out. I figured I should be ok since this has no protein because I am very protein sensitive. I currently use creme of nature (purple bottle) conditioner and eventually i will run out b/c im not going near the new formula, so i figured i need to start looking for a alternative. I have heard that silicones block out moisture which con condish has so i know the curls might not work for the first time because of that. I have been using cone conditioners for over 2 years (the time ive spent fully natural) I just want this condish to work it smells so good. Any reviews will be very helpful.


Well-Known Member
I love this conditioner. I'm natural too and moving to the cone free side. I use it as a rinsw out and leave in ad it leaves my hair soft and moisturized. It is a great detangler IMO and smells sooo good!


Well-Known Member
I don't have a problem with this conditioner as far as detangling...and softening. It softenes my 4ab ng in a way no other conditioner does. However, when it dries, my hair doesn't have a very soft, moisturized feel to it. so i usually mix this with another conditioner. doesn't have to be a conditioner w/ cones. but I'll mix it with one that is known for making my hair soft when dry.

i think i'm gonna buy their other conditioner..the dc


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies i plan on adding jBCOto it to beef up the moisture (as I add jBCO to everything possible) The smell is so addictive :)


Well-Known Member
i never used tis conditioner but i do love the asian tea conditioner. its very moisturizing.