4A/4B Naturals - What do you do to reduce wash times?


Well-Known Member
I desperately needed to wash my hair this past weekend, but travelling for a family emergency kept me from doing it. I was too tired to pre-poo last night, so I got up this morning and tweaked my regular routine and ended up shaving 15 minutes off my normal 60 minute routine.

What do you do to save time on wash days or shorten your routine as your hair gets longer?

Today's routine:

- Section hair into 4 sections, twist and clamp with alligator clips. My hair is BSL that's 4B in the front half and 4A in the back half.
- Take down each section, add Hello Hydration, Aussie Moist, KCKT and olive oil, clamp back up (This was the new part. Usually prepoo overnight and add KCKT in shower.)
- Jumped in shower, did the following to each section (started in the back):
- Wet to activate KCKT, detangled with wide tooth comb (today, hair was like butter and comb glided thru my tangled hair because the KCKT had more time to marinate)
- Wash with Giovanni Tea Tree Shampoo (only once per month)
- Condition with Kenra Moisturizing and Giovanni 50:50, rewet a little, comb thru to distribute conditioner, retwist and clamp
- Rinsed each section separately after finished shower (conditioner sat for 10-15 minutes) retwist and clamp for moisture and sealing

Seems long, but it took total of 45 minutes including shower time!
I usually detangle and prepoo in sections. After detangling I put each section in a twist and wash with my hair twisted. This cuts down on wash time tremendously. If I'm feeling lazy I massage in my DC without taking down each twist.