5 A Day Fruit and Veggie Challenge

Stop with the Challenges already. Ok! I'm in! Do the veggies have to be raw?

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I was thinking about something like this when I read last week about okra hgelping your hair grow. It really made me think about what few fruits and veggies I have been taking in lately. I was going to put myself on it starting June 1st but if you guys already have one going, I'd love to join it.

Let me know, please or else I'll be out there on my own.
Divine Inspiration said:
Bumping to get this going again after reading nappywomyn's thread.

Who wants thicker, healthier hair?!?! :lol:

I do!! I always start a healthy diet but I never stick with it and my hair is suffering. I think I will start out small and then work my way up to 5 servings a day.
locabouthair said:
I do!! I always start a healthy diet but I never stick with it and my hair is suffering. I think I will start out small and then work my way up to 5 servings a day.

High five! :yay: Good plan. :up: We'll keep each other posted. Today I had 6 servings. :)
I know I'm late but I'm trying to lost 5 lbs, to be a few pounds under my bmi level. What are some ideas you guys are doing to keep this challenge. I will try to find the ultimate smoothie.
Hah...this is pretty cool...Just had a HUGE veggie omelet for dinner and had grapes and watermelon for desert. I'm on the protein challenge even though it doesn't start until Feb 1 but I'm gearing up for it. Heck I'll join in this one too. I'm loving my veggie omelets!!!

Oh yea I get yogurt parfaits from Mcdonalds which is low in fat and has fiber from the granola and its got berries in it too...antioxidants...oh soo good...

I'm in for this challenge definately...I think it'll be easy though since I love fruits :)
I'm definately in on this one. Still eating my fruit and veggies but I want to up my intake to at least 5-6 a day ( I usually get at least 3). I joined the original challenge and I am now 45 pounds lighter as well. This challenge won't just help your hair but your body as well. Let's get it poppin Ladies!!!
I guess I already started this challenge by default this week by deciding to give up all meat except for fish. So I'm pretty much forced to eat more fruits and vegetables, but I haven't gotten up to that many servings yet. So this will be a good challenge for me.
Hello everyone. I am new to forum and I would like to join in on this challenge. So far, I have learned a lot of great tips on managing my hair and look forward to many more.
Count me in on this one! Does anyone know what constitutes a serving? I think Jay Robb has this information in his fruit flush. I'll read over it to see if it's in there somewhere.

How does everyone plan to get there 5 servings of fruit each day? I'm going to need a lot of help with this.
I started a thread on beware of fruit portions. 5 servings of fruit is too much all you need is two or three a day. Put more emphasize on 5 or more servings of veggies. Also, go to the new food pyramid and see what a serving of fruit is a day. One large banana is two servings of fruit and 3/4 cup of juice is one serving and you know we drink more than our daily servings a day .
laurend said:
I started a thread on beware of fruit portions. 5 servings of fruit is too much all you need is two or three a day. Put more emphasize on 5 or more servings of veggies. Also, go to the new food pyramid and see what a serving of fruit is a day. One large banana is two servings of fruit and 3/4 cup of juice is one serving and you know we drink more than our daily servings a day .

I'll just say this again:

I just wanted to say that it's tough for us to have too much fruits and vegetables. There are vegetarians, vegans, and raw food eaters who almost exclusively eat fruits and vegetables, and I have yet to meet an overweight vegan. I think most of us know we'd be better off if we consumed more fruits and vegetables because there would be less room for things that aren't healthy for us. Many fruits contain wonderful enzymes that aid digestion as well as nutrients exclusive to certain fruits. Vegetables are certainly important as they tend to be packed with vitamins and minerals. I think a balance of the two is the healthy. For instance, today I had 2 servings of celery, an apple, a plum, a cup of blueberries, a serving of cabbage, and a serving of carrots. This type of balance is FAR healthier than any junk food available. I'm waiting to meet the person who says they got sick and/or gained weight from eating too much fruit or too many vegetables...when put up against other foods, fruit and veggies are the holy grail.

If you have to choose a snack, and the options are Cheetos or a bowl of grapes, the grapes are a better choice...even if you've had 6 servings of fruits and vegetables that day.

From personal experience, the more fruits and vegetables I have, the better my hair, skin, nails, body, etc. A healthy diet should be done in conjunction with regular exercise anyway so I'd venture to say that the majority of women who replace junk food with fruits & vegetables and workout regularly will be healthier as a whole and will probably be able to reach an ideal weight.
I am so in on this challenge.... thank you... My pregnant belly is loving fresh organic gala apples from trader joes.,. NO NAUSEA!!! YAAH!!! I am eating like 3 or four of these a day. Along with my green smoothies in the am.
Exactly...the whole eating fruit is bad concept came about with the low-carb diet craze. I would rather eat a bag of grapes than a bag of chips. The only thing you have to think about is juices. Juices are equal to a serving of fruit (only if 100%) BUT can pack on more pounds. Dilute your juices with water. You will not notice that much. It is best to get any fruits or vegetables as a full form rather than juice. Apple juice doesn't have any fiber but an apple does. Fruits are not bad for you. They contain many antioxidants, and vitamins. Watermelon is packed with water and is perfect for those who do not hydrate that well. Watch out for dried fruits. They are not that great. A small pack of raisins is fine every so often but you can eat more grapes for the same caloric value that raisins provide. Canned fruits should be in there own juices and choose veggies that have low sodium if canned. Frozen vegetables are better than canned and very reasonable.
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laurend said:
I started a thread on beware of fruit portions. 5 servings of fruit is too much all you need is two or three a day. Put more emphasize on 5 or more servings of veggies. Also, go to the new food pyramid and see what a serving of fruit is a day. One large banana is two servings of fruit and 3/4 cup of juice is one serving and you know we drink more than our daily servings a day .

WOW!! PLEASE DON't be afraid to eat fruits or vegetables. These are the BEST foods for you!! EAT as many as you can!

I personally would not consider "juice from a bottle" to be a serving of fruit. There is no fiber and many of the bottled juices are made from concentrate anyway. It is much better than drinking soda however. Now if you have a juicer and make your own fresh juice... that is an entirely different story. The enzymes are still present, and I would consider that a serving of fruit.
xxxxcherishxxxx said:
Exactly...the whole eating fruit is bad concept came about with the low-carb diet craze. I would rather eat a bag of grapes than a bag of chips. The only thing you have to think about is juices. Juices are equal to a serving of fruit (only if 100%) BUT can pack on more pounds. Dilute your juices with water. You will not notice that much. It is best to get any fruits or vegetables as a full form rather than juice. Apple juice doesn't have any fiber but an apple does. Fruits are not bad for you. They contain many antioxidants, and vitamins. Watermelon is packed with water and is perfect for those who do not hydrate that well. Watch out for dried fruits. They are not that great. A small pack of raisins is fine every so often but you can eat more grapes for the same caloric value that raisins provide. Canned fruits should be in there own juices and choose veggies that have low sodium if canned. Frozen vegetables are better than canned and very reasonable.

Great post. :up:
Im in...had an orange for breakfast and brought some carrots w/ me to snack on. Got about 15 lbs. to lose!!
I agree with you guys on both ends but I understood what Laurend meant.

The idea is to REPLACE the junk and processed foods for fruits and veggies.
But I can see how weight gain can occur if you ADD the 5 servings of fruits on top of your normail daily in take. Right?
On another note...

I love fruits and veggies but for some reason they do not fill me. Regardless of how big a portion of fruit or veggies I eat, it just knocks off a bit of my hunger. I never feel satisfied - and within the hour I am starving. And I am not the type of person to eat until I am full. I just eat until I am satisfied.

For example, I can eat a large salad - with some grilled chicken - and will be starving in no time.

What am I doing wrong?

Anyone have any suggestions or recommendations?
douglala said:
I agree with you guys on both ends but I understood what Laurend meant.

The idea is to REPLACE the junk and processed foods for fruits and veggies.
But I can see how weight gain can occur if you ADD the 5 servings of fruits on top of your normail daily in take. Right?

NOPE! Its the "normal daily intake" that is causing the weight gain. Most individuals have pretty fattening "normal daily intakes". Any Nutritionists out there? I don't believe that adding 5 Fruits and vegetables servings daily will make you gain weight!!
Dogmd said:
NOPE! Its the "normal daily intake" that is causing the weight gain. Most individuals have pretty fattening "normal daily intakes". Any Nutritionists out there? I don't believe that adding 5 Fruits and vegetables servings daily will make you gain weight!!

I am not an nutritionist or any thing but from my personal experience and from my reasoning skills, I don't think so.

For starters, calories are calories but fruit and vegetables contain water and fiber. Even if you ate 5 additional serving of veggie and fruit I don't think you would gain weight because the water and fiber content of them helps you eat less of everything else. Also many fruits and vegetables don't contain a ton of calories. For example. Lets say you normally drink a soda with lunch; a bottle of sprite. Well the average sized bottle contains 2 servings and a serving of soda usually contains 110 calories. Now thats 220 cal. Now an average sized apple contains 81 cal. It also contains 4 grams of fiber per apple. If you were to eat the equalivent in cals. of apples in additional to the soda which would be almost 3, I don't believe you would gain weight. Three apples have 12 grams of fiber and fiber helps slow the rate of digestion to help keep you feeling satistifed longer. Not to mention, fiber helps your body process food more thoroughly. By adding these apples, you will eat less of everything else in the day, which in turn will help create calorie deficet. I am not trying to say that 3 apples will over ride a bottle of soda but what I am saying is that you will drink less soda, eat less chips or whatever because the water and fiber from the apples will help keep you full. Not to mention that the way your body processes processed sugary foods is totally different from how your body processes natural foods. So all in all I am going to say no. Also, I notice alot of people say that bananas are bad because they contain alot of calories and what not but I just wanted to add that yes, they do contain more cal. than some other fruit but bananas help maintain the proper sodium balance in your body which in turn helps fight water retension. Bananas also cotain lots of helpful enzymes that are hard to get from other sources in the same quanity of a banana. When I was in high school, I started eating bananas every day after class. I ate one or two of them after lunch because the lunch lady would give them to me for free. I had less cramping, more energy, and I less digestion issues. I was eating these in additional to all the junk at school and I didn't gain weight. I am sure that every body reacts to certain things differently but adding 5 servings of fruit and veggies to your diet a day it the last thing you need to be scared of. I hope this helps.
Joining this Challenge :) --- I need to up my fruit and veggie intake as much as possible. Today I already had 2 servings of 100% Pomegranite Juice. I plan to eat Red Seedless Grapes, Fresh Strawberries, Lettuce and Cucumber before the day is over. That's my five + for today :)