a possible alternative 4 'hopeless' rollersetters


Active Member
a possible alternative 4 \'hopeless\' rollersetters

i am also hopeless at the conventional way of rollersetting. this is how i normally rollerset my hair.

i make 8-10 ponytails all over my head. prior to that i have shampooed and conditioned my hair and let it airdry to damp. than i apply my leave ins and moisturisers. i get small ponytail bands (covered with cloth and soaked in some oil to prevent dryness and breakage at the point of contact with the hair) and make my 8-10 ponytails all over my head, ensuring each hair section is combed smooth, with the roots damp and straight (you may use WGO, coconut oil or Carolyn's HHIAB to achieve this).i then mix up pantene smooth and sleek with some oils (coconut oil is my fave) and apply it to the length of each section, and combing it with a small toothed comb before roller setting each ponytailed ends.of course, any setting lotion will do as well.

i let it airdry overnite and by morning my hair was nice and curly with bounce and movement. my roots are also soft and reasonably straight.

i know many of us have problems with rollersetting. i have found this to be the easiest way of doing it.

i hope the instructions are clear....
Re: a possible alternative 4 \'hopeless\' rollersett

thanks for the tip, do you get crimp lines from the ponytail holders??
Re: a possible alternative 4 \'hopeless\' rollersetters

Do you wear a scarf or some type of head wrap to make sure that the ponytails are kept neat?
Re: a possible alternative 4 \'hopeless\' rollersetters

Ah! This I shall try.
Re: a possible alternative 4 \'hopeless\' rollersett

katherine, the ponytails are set with the rollers. its just like gathering your hair in a bun with the hair out and then bumping the hair ends with a roller. the same technique but aplpied all oer the head with smaller ponytails...
Re: a possible alternative 4 \'hopeless\' rollersetters

i wear a silk scarf to secure the rollers tight against my head. you may sit under the dryer as well. sleeping in rollers is a pain!
Re: a possible alternative 4 \'hopeless\' rollersetters

that's a great way to do a rollerset without looking like you have a Shirley Temple curled Afro. That was the problem I had when my hair was shorter, the curls would never hang right.

If there's a way, someone on this board will find it.
Re: a possible alternative 4 \'hopeless\' rollersetters

Thanks Pandora....I can rollerset, but I have often thought about doing something like this to avoid the tight curls but never got around to trying it. It also seems like it would dry faster(I'm getting to the point where I hate to sit under the dryer). I will do this the next time I rollerset. Thanks!
Re: a possible alternative 4 \'hopeless\' rollersetters

How do you part the ponytails? Are they sectioned as in 4 int he front and 4 in the back? Is this the same as rollersetting only with less sections basically? I am definetly a hopeless rollersetter and would luv to find an easier method like this.
Re: a possible alternative 4 \'hopeless\' rollersetters

Exactly. It's a combination of wet setting and drying your hair in a bun. You just collect your hair into however many ponytails you want and roll the ends of the hair. Once the curls dry, you take out the rollers, remove the ponytail holders and style your hair.

I've done it with just two ponytails in the back - one high and one low. That worked best when I would be wearing a headband. I think it just depends on how and where you want it to be curly and what portions you want to be straight.
Re: a possible alternative 4 \'hopeless\' rollersetters

Wouldn't the ponytail holders leave marks and wouldn't the section that the pony tail holders were holding not be rolled and theirfore, not be straight?
Re: a possible alternative 4 \'hopeless\' rollersetters

What kind of ponytail holders are you using and do you think the results would still be good if you go under the dryer for 20 mins or so. i am trying this no heat thing but i found this dryer i have been looking for. i am too lazy to do a neat and nice roller set but i bet i could do a ponytail thing let it air dry some and then go under the dryer to se it. would that be good???? God bless you all.
Re: a possible alternative 4 \'hopeless\' rollersetters

too bad I don't rollarset my hair. I used to. It was cool.
Re: a possible alternative 4 \'hopeless\' rollersetters

I hope Pandora doesn't kill me for answering.

The elastics can leave marks but they just blend with the curled hair, because you roll the hair right up to the elastic and secure it. I preferred smaller rollers and perm rods for this reason.

The parts of your hair that are secured by the ponytail will be straight. That's usually why I would where one of those accordion headbands. Everything above my ears towards my forehead would be straight, but the ends would be curly. The more ponytails you form, the curlier your hair will be all over because the sections will be smaller and you'll be rolling your hair closer to the roots and your hairline.
Re: a possible alternative 4 \'hopeless\' rollersetters

i'm glad. i forgot this earlier, but the parts secured by the ponytail might still be wet after the ends have dried. But if you use 8 or 10 ponytails like Pandora said that should speed it up. Or you can get under the dryer to help it along.
Re: a possible alternative 4 \'hopeless\' rollersett

thanks for answering my question! i will try this!!!! good idea!!!!
Re: a possible alternative 4 \'hopeless\' rollersetters

I forgot to mention in my first post that when I did this, I subdivided each ponytail into at least 5 sections and rolled each section on a seperate roller. I wanted the ends to be really curly, so that is why I used the smaller perm rods and rollers.
Re: a possible alternative 4 \'hopeless\' rollersetters

Wouldn't the ponytail holders leave marks and wouldn't the section that the pony tail holders were holding not be rolled and theirfore, not be straight?

[/ QUOTE ]
I was thinking about using the real small and thin ouchless elasic ones...do you think these would dry with less of a mark?
Re: a possible alternative 4 \'hopeless\' rollersetters

myco, answer away! thanks a lot actually, cos i was thinking how i am going to answer all the questions today
Re: a possible alternative 4 \'hopeless\' rollersetters

sweetcocoa those would do fine. also because of the ponytails, the roots are combed starigt and held taut so the roots dry straight.makes sense?

this method also also good for braid outs and twists out for nice straight roots with thick, full and bouncy curly ends!
Re: a possible alternative 4 \'hopeless\' rollersetters

also remember the ponytails must be secured nice and firm with the roots combed smooth and straight so they dry straight as if you blow dried it
Re: a possible alternative 4 \'hopeless\' rollersetters

Ummm, don't
me, but...

This seems like an awful lot of trouble to go through. Why not just do a roller set with the magnetic rollers with the snap-on covers (if you don't like dealing with the metal clips/pins??) It's simple, and it comes out beautiful!!!
Re: a possible alternative 4 \'hopeless\' rollersetters

OK, sorry, I just went back & read from the beginning, & I think I understand now. You don't want a totally curly look, you want the roots to be straight and the ends curly, right??
Re: a possible alternative 4 \'hopeless\' rollersetters

right!! its just an alternative, and its good training till i have or can be bothered to master the real thing. it is quicker as well
Re: a possible alternative 4 \'hopeless\' rollersetters

I agree, now that I can rollerset the traditional way with good results, that would seem like extra work for me to do. But, I think it helps to give people who were completely frustrated and disillusioned with wet setting a second chance by combining techniques that they already do well.
Re: a possible alternative 4 \'hopeless\' rollersetters

Please do tell what dryer you found. I'm looking for a dryer myself my dryer just conked out on me
. THanks!
Re: a possible alternative 4 \'hopeless\' rollersetters

Thats an good idea, Pandy. Say you let it dry to damp, would it work as a wet set you think?

Or would the bands break your hair if put on wet.

I must try this it sounds easy.
Re: a possible alternative 4 \'hopeless\' rollersetters

want to do this because sometimes I want the curls further from my scalp and more at the ends....
I consider myself very good at roller setting...so I'm looking at this as another way of setting my hair...for different results...