Anyone with 4b natural hair long


New Member
Hi I was wondering if anyone out there, has 4b long natural hair up to their shoulder or longer.Because i'm trying to grow my 4b/a natural hair its been three years and I'm only got 8 inches all over my head. if anyone's ,got 16 inches i need some inspiration. I've started taking vitmains and started eating healthly. If you have any pictures i would long to see be a great help thanks bettytoo.
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Well I had a friend with true 4b hair, much, much smaller coils/zigzags than Jcoily or KhaSha...I'm talking half a centimeter "curls" here. She was from Africa. She had her natural hair in braids for a couple of years and her hair was down to her waist. She is a very short girl, but anyway. It can definately be done! :yep:
im 4b and im in your shoes trying to grow my hair long. i know laketta, another member here has 4b hair natural and her hair is at bra strap length stretched. i saw another member here forgot her name was 4b natural with armpit length stretched.
There was a member here, named Faith who had quite long 4b looking hair. I'm not sure if she eventually texturized it... or not, but it was really pretty...midback/bsl.
tishee said:
ladies thanks for this thread. my goal is healthy,natural bsl this is def. a treasure! thanks ladies!


Have you decided not to do the relaxed short cut, or is this a future goal?
so1913 said:

Have you decided not to do the relaxed short cut, or is this a future goal?

Hey sweetie,

I sure did. This past Friday I placed an order w/Asha for: caliente, honeydew, leche de coco, & omega. Hopefully, the feelings that I had about my natural hair will disappear once I start using 'quality' products. Once the weather warms up I plan on doing cw every 3 days & using mtg. I actually :love: my hair it's just that I am so :perplexed as to what 'works' for it. My hubby said it's trial & error but I get so frustrated that things are not working on me like they are for others and it gets to me BIG time. :swearing:
tishee said:
Hey sweetie,

I sure did. This past Friday I placed an order w/Asha for: caliente, honeydew, leche de coco, & omega. Hopefully, the feelings that I had about my natural hair will disappear once I start using 'quality' products. Once the weather warms up I plan on doing cw every 3 days & using mtg. I actually :love: my hair it's just that I am so :perplexed as to what 'works' for it. My hubby said it's trial & error but I get so frustrated that things are not working on me like they are for others and it gets to me BIG time. :swearing:

Look at your hubby knowing what's up! LOL. He is so right, everything is trial and error...natural hair is new to many of us and the challenges are trying to find what works for your hair. Becareful not to confuse that with trying to finds something to make your hair act a way it wasn't programmed to act. You will eventually you'll find what works for you, as your hubby so intelligently said, by trial and error. It can be a painful and/or expensive process (believe me, I know, lol) but once you get to "know" your hair things easily start to fall in place.
so1913 said:
Look at your hubby knowing what's up! LOL. He is so right, everything is trial and error...natural hair is new to many of us and the challenges are trying to find what works for your hair. Becareful not to confuse that with trying to finds something to make your hair act a way it wasn't programmed to act. You will eventually you'll find what works for you, as your hubby so intelligently said, by trial and error. It can be a painful and/or expensive process (believe me, I know, lol) but once you get to "know" your hair things easily start to fall in place.

so1913....thanks SO SO much for your post. It wasn't until the derm told me I had seborrheic dermatitis that I felt the need to actually 'take care of my hair.' Just thinking back I treated my hair like crap & never paid attention to the 'health' of it. Natural hair is making me pay attention to the health of my hair.
I was looking thru a few albums listed in this thread. All'z I can say is WOW gloriously beautiful hair ladies. My hair wants to be just look you when it grows up. Okay ladies I am coming up on my one year natural hair annivesary on the 28th. I have about 8 inches on top, 6 inches around, 4 inches in the back and nape area. My hair has always grown in a bob style. So once I get some real length I know I will really enjoy my hair. I only have three styles now. The top puff, Curly wild afro (i luv this the best) and two strand twist (which I dont like at this stage). I was thinking of getting some small cornrolls with extension for a few months for a change. I need more ideas. Also co-washes don't seem to clean my hair. What is the supposed purpose of co-washes? Has anyone tried Dove conditioner for co-washes? I was thinking of trying it cuz of dove because it may not leave me with the weighed down dirty hair feel. What do you ladies think? I don't have a regime cuz my hair will grow if I don't worry with it much. I use Nexus therappe and Tresemme shampoo. I used humectress for conditioning and a leave. Humectress works really well in my hair it stop alot of shrinkage after washing also. I love washing everyday but see more growth from less washes a week. I need advice ya'll.
I'm no longer natural...BUT I did grow my 1/2" hair to about 24.5" (from hairline back) from 1999 to 2004. I'm texturized now but going back to natural is always with me ;) It's very obtainable.
Thanks OP for posting this thread. I was going to ask something similiar the other day about 4a/b naturals.

This is my 8th month of transitioning and I have about 4 inches of new growth, and feel that my progress is moving as slow as a turtle.
It's official I am going natural (I sold my perm to the chick next door used the cash to buy a book :lol: ). I am looking through all of these albums and I am like :eek: .

I know I don't want to be 50 yrs old and still putting a relaxer. So why not start going natural now.