Best Leave-Ins Of All Time?- 2009 Updates


Well-Known Member
Lately we've had a lot of threads about poos and conditoners. Now it's time for an update on the ever so important leave-in family of products. What's the hands down best leave-in of all time.:cup: When your hair is freshly washed and deliciously deep conditoned, what product do you trust to keep that "feel good" feeling going stong and soft on your hair?:lick: Do share!!!

(Please be sure to specifiy if you're RELAXED or NATURAL.)
I had been a huge fan of HE LTR leave in, but I have to say that Paul Mitchell's The Conditioner is IT for me!!
I've been using MOP Leave In for years. I also use Oyin Handmade's Greg Juice (also for years). I like them both separately, but together? Heavenly.

Good post! I've been itching to try a new leave in. I guess since I've been so happy with two products for so long, the PJ in me is on the prowl. :lol:

ETA: Forgot to say that I am natural, 4a/b.
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I'm natural.

My favorite leave-ins are:

coconut oil-for twisting/braiding.

castor oil-for wash and go puffs.

oyin honey hemp conditioner-for bantu knot outs and other "out" styles.
Paul Mitchell The Conditioner:lick:

BB Oil Moisturizer:lick:

Vatika Coconut Oil:lick:

.....for me these are great leave-ins on wet or dry hair, and also serve for great whole-head baggying at nite too.
:grin:Don't forget to mention if you're natural or relaxed...this information can help others who may have hair like you and could use the recommendation.
:spinning:All my thread starting and I forgot to mentin my faves. I'm still searching for an awesome one, but Sally's generic of Paul Mitchell THe COnditioner has been good and the profective in the purple bottle has been great for detangling. I am relaxed.
I am relaxed and I must say my favorite leave is Lacio Lacio (dominican product)!!! Nothing else does my hair justice
I really love HE LTR leave in. I'm sad to say that this weekend i looked in two stores and there wasn't any so i had to purchase the Neutrogena triple moisture leave in :(
i love cantu shea butter leave in . i have been using it for over five years , that's as long as i have been natural . so glad i found it early in my natural journey . they did change the texture of cantu . it is creamy now not whipped . i still love it .
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1. I'm relaxed, I have fine 4b(c) hair and my fav leave in is BBD Stretch Growth Creme. I ALWAYS use this after EVERY wash if my hair is going to be rollerset or ironed out. It's heat activated so it must be used with some kind of heat. (Doesen't work well with airdrying) It leaves my hair so shiny and soft it's RIDICULOUS. A friend of mine, (a stylist) used this on my hair once and I bought some the next day and have been hooked ever since. A little goes a long way, I've had the jar for 3 months and It's not even a quarter of the way gone. I just can't say enough about this product. The downside is that it's really expensive ($50 a jar) and it can be hard to find. I got mine off ebay.

2. If i'm airdrying, then my fav leave in is Lacio Lacio. The shine I get from this product is AMAZING, because my hair doesen't naturally have a shine to it. If for some reason I couldn't use the Stretch, then this would be my go-to leave-in conditioner.

2. Also in 2nd place is Rusk Smoother. I just tried this and I can say I really, really liked how my hair felt afterwards. I airdryed my hair with just that in and my hair was really soft, shiny and silky.

3. And third would be Paul Mitchell The Conditioner. I use this if i'm wearing a tight curly rollerset, because it is soo moisturizing. I also use it as a daily moisturizer on my nape and edges. Love it! It works really well when I bun my hair, I use it to dampen my ends. I usually use coconut oil on top of this to counteract some of the moisture and strengthen my hair. The Conditioner+Coconut Oil= Soft, strong shiny moisturized hair!
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I'm relaxed and I love Nexxus Humectress for braid outs or bantu knots and NTM or Lacio Lacio for straight styles
Relaxed checking in. I'm in love with HE Replenishing Con (old school bottle) with Jojoba, Rose hip, & Vitamin E. Soft, shiny, smell good hair EVERY time.
Am I the only on who has never seen HE LTR leave-in. I mean NEVER! I have looked at Walgreens, CVS, Walmart, anywhere and they NEVER have the leave in. Just the poo and conitioner. i want to see and try this leavin in that everyone is raving about.
I have no particular leave-in...I do have ApHogee leave-in spray, never noticed any significant impression and I have Creme of nature Lemongrass and Rosemary leave-in and it's not something I really love BUT what I do seem to have success with is my Suave Coconut's really all I use in my regimen except water, shampoo and EVCO and EVOO...I've been KISSing a lot lately....maybe out of laziness or fear of doing something too harsh and ending up at square one. :( Lord knows I don't want that. I try to make time to try and use up everything under my cabinets before hopping onto another bandwagon, plus money is forcing me to use what I got on my leave-in isn't a actual leave-in but it's doing the job for now.